The online racing simulator
Quote from Amynue :Why did you made a FXR skin if you don't have any FXR's at demo license?

There are aloud to look at it in the CMX vieuwer and if he likes that let him do it and stop moaning
oh god and don't quote the pics like that
gosh it looks so stupid when a demo-user posts a fxr skin(ex) and a preview in skin-viewer and everyone is jumping on him and start throwing flaming bananas....

and even worse in the xr skin thread,where a demo-user posted a XRG skin and got flammed, alltho by a total noob at flamming
Just because he posted an FXR skin and he's only demo doesn't always mean he is cracking.
Quote from hansonator69 :Just because he posted an FXR skin and he's only demo doesn't always mean he is cracking.

thats excatly what i was trying to say through my other post
Quote from asbjoern :thats excatly what i was trying to say through my other post

Oh whoops. I had the web page open for a while cuz i was afk, then i wrote and yeah...
Ok I looked to my skin folder and I've noticed that I don't have any good fz5 skin so made one

the end of the hood doesn´t really look clean, but the rest is good, sad you don´t make your skins public
Maybe one day I'll make something public
I made an Porsche 911 GT3 RS skin for FZ5 (got the idea from Adolfo Herrera's skin for FZR ) Should I release it? (I also have it in black and in orange)

E:Sorry about the quality of the pic. The skin itself is made with photoshop from Master Skinnerz template 2048x2048.
Attached images
Quote from Santtu941 :I made an Porsche 911 GT3 RS skin for FZ5 (got the idea from Adolfo Herrera's skin for FZR ) Should I release it? (I also have it in black and in orange)

E:Sorry about the quality of the pic. The skin itself is made with photoshop from Master Skinnerz template 2048x2048.

Hi! , how you doing?, well about the skin, Yes, Relase It! looks Nice !, wanna see it in the rest of the colours, keep going on it, you are in the right way.

Adolfo Herrera.
Well here are pics of the other colors. I might just make a white with red decals before I release them. And the nose really looks cr@ppy.
Attached images
My 2 skins for MOE Safety car contest.
Attached images
Quote from Santtu941 :Well here are pics of the other colors. I might just make a white with red decals before I release them. And the nose really looks cr@ppy.

Nice skin! I have a GT3 RS skin for the FZR and really want one for the FZ5.

Your right about the nose! My advice is cut out the grille and leave the porsche badge but make it a bit smaller, also the GT3 RS decal looks a little squashed vertically compared to how a real GT3 RS looks (Click) the decal is about 1/2 - 3/4 level with the wheels on the real one.

Hope this helps!
My entry for the Masters of Endurance safety car skinning contest.
Quote from daloonie :My entry for the Masters of Endurance safety car skinning contest.

beautiful ! not a typical safety car but i love it.
Quote from naf786 :Nice skin! I have a GT3 RS skin for the FZR and really want one for the FZ5.

Your right about the nose! My advice is cut out the grille and leave the porsche badge but make it a bit smaller, also the GT3 RS decal looks a little squashed vertically compared to how a real GT3 RS looks (Click) the decal is about 1/2 - 3/4 level with the wheels on the real one.

Hope this helps!

The side decals are really from 996 GT3 RS (and the skin pretends to be 997)
FZ50 is next in line in my skinpack. Currently a WIP, though (gotta fix the grey edges) but here's a pic of what it looks so far.
Quote from Danny LFS :FZ50 is next in line in my skinpack. Currently a WIP, though (gotta fix the grey edges) but here's a pic of what it looks so far.

i dont know what program you use but the quality is horrible
how is my skin? It is supposed to be based on the new ACR Viper. I did it paint, so it does look bad. Also, it's my first skin.
Quote from GrIp DrIvEr :how is my skin? It is supposed to be based on the new ACR Viper. I did it paint, so it does look bad. Also, it's my first skin.


jpg please

jpg please

ok. otherwise, does it look okay or not?
Quote from GrIp DrIvEr :ok. otherwise, does it look okay or not?

If you post it in .jpg im sure we can take a look.

FZ Skins (All)
(2565 posts, started )