The online racing simulator
Sway Creations - Reason or Treason
(6 posts, started )
#1 - Ogijs
Sway Creations - Reason or Treason
This is a video containing a message how driving can be interesting and that adrenalin is a reason why we do this.
This is not something i spent alot of time on so please dont be over critical Thogh criticizm is wellcome always

Bee*R Warlock and Me (Sway) are the drivers. ... &feature=channel_page
I'm impressed.. I really enjoyed it and imo it looks like you spent quite some time on it.. original idea in the beginning and the length is just alright I think
#3 - Ogijs
thanx but i really didnt iven though i guess i should. :/
Whel i have somethign very origninal for him in mind but heal hear about that leter and im sure you gusy wil be suprised to
Awesome vid Sway nice drifting
#6 - Ogijs
Thanks this really was more of a challange to myself

Sway Creations - Reason or Treason
(6 posts, started )