The online racing simulator
Yeah, I think my first lap in the new patch is going to be F1 at Aston North Reverse. Should be interesting taking that long left sweeper at full tilt then trying to brake down for the hairpin while still turning.
Like Rouen in GPL, I could never get it right there.
Quote from tristancliffe :There's NO WAY ON EARTH that my F1 car is going anywhere near an oval. I'm planning on going somewhere where talent is required and people that can drive are likely to be.

i hope devs remove the oval definately...
Quote from Honey :i hope devs remove the oval definately...

or just make a (tyre) chicane in it like the GP of USA should have got last year
Quote from tristancliffe :There's NO WAY ON EARTH that my F1 car is going anywhere near an oval. I'm planning on going somewhere where talent is required and people that can drive are likely to be.

agree with tristan totaly, no way am i taking my BRAND SPANKING new f1 to the oval.... think my first time it will be westhill reversed
Quote from wheeler :or just make a (tyre) chicane in it like the GP of USA should have got last year

yeah, that should force noobs to try to learn driving instead of doing oval
Quote from Honey :i hope devs remove the oval definately...

The oval is a very good filter of semipilots, they stay there, and we stay away from the oval in real racing
Quote from Madman_CZ :agree with tristan totaly, no way am i taking my BRAND SPANKING new f1 to the oval.... think my first time it will be westhill reversed

my experience with lfs oval is just almost none...only once i spectate to see who in this world could do ovals...surprisingly oval is always full
I personally would like to try the F1 around SO Long! Or maybe Aston National...

Todays update is coming, right?
lol thats what i was saying to roadie last night i was like.. no way in hell im putting that f1 car on the oval.. you just.. dont do it.. it isnt right lol

he was like aw helllll man im putting it on that oval asap and then im gonna drag it

i was like... :o the **** is wrong with you lol
Quote from TRM.13 :The oval is a very good filter of semipilots, they stay there, and we stay away from the oval in real racing

unfortunately i think it's the contrary: after few ovals noobs think they can handle fo8, so they go to the first fo8 server to ruin your race, then when they realize they cannot do even few meters with fo8, they go ruin some gtr races, then they ruin some tbo races...and then they think "maybe it's better to practice oval a bit more" and story repeats...
I'm looking forward to racing this thing in SO and KY, nobody ever has races in the GTR cars or FO8 at SO and it's one of the most exciting combinations in the game. KY GP and KY Nat will be great, too.

As for ovals, they can sometimes be fun, provided you're a good enough driver to avoid all the "noobs" at the back half of the field. I can't think of any other track that lets you race at 200mph, only a few metres from 3 other cars. Hopefully the "FO1" won't be used on the oval, I think that's where the FO8 should stay.
dont get me wrong i mean i have nothing against ovals, i use to own nascar 2003 from papy and i had many great races there especially in the owr mod and in lfs if you can find a bunch of good drivers on the oval you can have fun slipstreaming and overtaking hours on end but most of the time it is filled with people who dont knwo how to drive which is the problem or have no respect for the other drivers. Using the tool that tells you if there is a car on either side should make oval racing easier and a lot cleaner but you still get silly noobs who just dont know how to behave on an oval!!..

i personally dont race the oval as i like to have some variation in corners instead of having just a long left hander (or right if reversed) for me i get much more pleasure at westhill with all those blind corners and its a track that is very quick and has a lot of variation.... perfect combo with the fox....


edit* still no avatars
Someone mentioned earlier in this thread that the F1 car will kill the F08. I think it brings a new class and a new perspective to the open wheelers in LFS. While FOX is kinda low powered car with lots of mechanical grip, the F08 is a raw war machine without any electronics. The F1 is all about finesse. Unlike the F08 it's fragile, unforgiving but so damn fast and precise.

PS. I saw a dream that Scawen send me an SMS saying that the patch will be released on 19th of this month. Because it's a dream it can't be wrong
Quote from spookthehamster :Hopefully the "FO1" won't be used on the oval, I think that's where the FO8 should stay.

You have two cars, one is faster than the other. I wonder which one will be used on the oval

As much as a F1 car looks wrong on the oval, oval racers don't seem to be too concerned about looks ("high nose" didn't look right either, f.e.).
Quote from AndroidXP :You have two cars, one is faster than the other. I wonder which one will be used on the oval

As much as a F1 car looks wrong on the oval, oval racers don't seem to be too concerned about looks ("high nose" didn't look right either, f.e.).

I guess there was very few people who didn't use high nose setups just because it looks how it looks. Most just thought it is unrealistic/stupid to use some expoits like that. The other folks though that they can't give the 1 sec per lap benefit to others so they used the setups too but didn't like it like me.
It's just dawned on me.. we're not just getting AN F1 in LFS.

We're getting one EACH!

****ing kewl Easter present!!!
When i get the f1 car i will take it to a very different track, the parking lot. I will then take it to the oval to see how fast it goes and then to the twistiest track there is.
For some reason I feel the release is going to be today. One week after the first "update"
Quote from MyBoss :For some reason I feel the release is going to be today. One week after the first "update"

lets hope your right! I feel it will be friday...
Quote from Hyperactive :
PS. I saw a dream that Scawen send me an SMS saying that the patch will be released on 19th of this month. Because it's a dream it can't be wrong

tonight i dreamt that the patch was released today in the very early morning, but only on a mirror (i dreamt the link also...), so as soon i woke up i checked it up (the dream was so realistic...), but nothing... i believe they will release it today, but if they do it in the late afternoon when everyone's home, the server/mirrors bandwidth will not be enough.
Quote from Rappa Z :When i get the f1 car i will take it to a very different track, the parking lot. I will then take it to the oval to see how fast it goes and then to the twistiest track there is.

just think, f1 drag races!!!!! lol i can just see ppl wheelspinning off at the start.. hehehehe wrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrroooooooooooooooooooooooooommmm
Quote :lets hope your right! I feel it will be friday...

i think it will come in april.
Long time listener, longer time racer...... But still no means a good racer....

Any who, what do you guys/girls think about the April teaser posted on the main page dated Apr. 3rd, 2006 22:00, about the following comment;

"We have also been experimenting with another interesting feature as well... "

Is this F1 car the interesting feature they we have been told about, or is this still going to be a even bigger surprise..? would love to hear your comments.

Anyway back to reading, and applying what i have learnt today, in hope that i get another 1/100th of a sec of my next lap.

The same question again that have to be asked every day at least once... ARE WE THERE YET?!?!?
A few things to point out from reading through from where I've left off:

1. BMW Sauber will not have give the devs any telemetry data. They are a professional racing team and could not afford to do this. They may however have given the devs help in setting the cars up realisitcally (more like a generic 2.5 litre F1 car than a Sauber).

2. TBH Sauber wouldn't be intrested in LFS or any other sim for serious R&D work. They will use a much more detailed simulation (not realtime). Can't see Sauber using LFS in a public display (too hard to drive). I think Sauber is giving this to the devs because Intel have asked that they have their car in a PC game.

3. Please stop moaning about it's the end of every other car type. The only FO8 servers still running are ovals and the very occasional one at Westhill hardly taking over LFS IMO.

4. I own N2003 as well and race it on ovals ocassionally, provides good racing. The oval racing on LFS isn't actually that bad. Just the servers and noob ends that populate them which are the problem.