The online racing simulator
Quote :Long time listener, longer time racer...... But still no means a good racer....

Any who, what do you guys/girls think about the April teaser posted on the main page dated Apr. 3rd, 2006 22:00, about the following comment;

"We have also been experimenting with another interesting feature as well... "

Is this F1 car the interesting feature they we have been told about, or is this still going to be a even bigger surprise..? would love to hear your comments.

Anyway back to reading, and applying what i have learnt today, in hope that i get another 1/100th of a sec of my next lap.

Did the dev's want u to say that?:bowdown::lfs:
Quote from deggis :ARE WE THERE YET?!?!?

This was my job.

Are we there yet????
Quote from P4U7 :
"We have also been experimenting with another interesting feature as well... "

The F1 car has a lot of clever technology to go with it launch control, traction control, electronic clutches, clever gearboxes etc.
@Joen ist this Real ! Or a little joking Fake ?

Nissan Skyline for LFS !!!! It would be soooo great

Whys that....?
After the hype over this car, i have re read the original few post to find some more info. Thinking a new feature would not really be classed as a new car. But something new instead.
Quote from P4U7 :
Any who, what do you guys/girls think about the April teaser posted on the main page dated Apr. 3rd, 2006 22:00, about the following comment;

"We have also been experimenting with another interesting feature as well... "

Is this F1 car the interesting feature they we have been told about, or is this still going to be a even bigger surprise..? would love to hear your comments.

i think there is more...honestly i thought that in one year, eric's work would be much more (from what screenshots reveal)...but maybe he did more but just keeping for S3 content.
about the "interesting feature" i think it will be revealed at the release time, maybe is something related to racing (like the "take over" feature) or maybe night racing or dynamic daytime...who knows?
I just hope that the current GTRs and formulas are left without TCS and other electronics. And instead of "tuning these" they would give us prototypes with all the widgets!!!

So we could have the pinnacles of both classes while still having the raw machines we already have got
well certainly all this speculation is really just a waste of forum space, but if i had to say i would think that maybe there is another little suprise in stick for us which will hopefully be made clear today with another update. I seriously doubt that night and weather effects would have been implemented into this patch althought they did have a year (tho those house updates must havetaken a while too)

edit* @ AndroidXP.. mwhwhwwhwhwwhwhwawawa I evil!!!!!:evil: muhahahahahwhwhawhawh

edit* damn u people posting too fast, well if u read the main website info about lfs it states that its really a hardcore simulator, without any aids to help you drive so i dont think the devs will ever implement these features. Even though the TC is used in f1 that doesnt really mean it has to be implemented into lfs... id certainly would hate to see aids coming into lfs as then we would have so many servers popping up where tc and abs would be used all time.. like with f1 99-02
Ok, dont want to put a dampener on the enthusiasm, but maybe the news update will be 'bmw sauber will be using lfs at there pitlane jobbies', not 'BMW Sauber car included in lfs'

Im posting here just incase im right and can gloat and say 'i told you so'

If im wrong, then someone hacked my account and posted this, ok?

Quote from ajp71 :A few things to point out from reading through from where I've left off:

1. BMW Sauber will not have give the devs any telemetry data. They are a professional racing team and could not afford to do this. They may however have given the devs help in setting the cars up realisitcally (more like a generic 2.5 litre F1 car than a Sauber).

2. TBH Sauber wouldn't be intrested in LFS or any other sim for serious R&D work. They will use a much more detailed simulation (not realtime). Can't see Sauber using LFS in a public display (too hard to drive). I think Sauber is giving this to the devs because Intel have asked that they have their car in a PC game.

3. Please stop moaning about it's the end of every other car type. The only FO8 servers still running are ovals and the very occasional one at Westhill hardly taking over LFS IMO.

4. I own N2003 as well and race it on ovals ocassionally, provides good racing. The oval racing on LFS isn't actually that bad. Just the servers and noob ends that populate them which are the problem.

good points!
lfs needs few data to simulate a car (weight & distribution, power, torque etc.), so me too thinks sauber didnt need to disclose any particular secret, just the desing and other public tech data.
like you said, F1 will not be the dominating star (except for the next few weeks) that no other car will be used: i think that F1 will have much more grip than fo8 and will be quite easy to drive, but still too hard for many people and in the end there is no car that can beat the addiction to the xfg+blackwood combo
formula cars arenot my favourite, but having a licansed F1 car in lfs is a damn good advertisement, i guess that maybe in S3 we will have some real track also.
About "the other interesting feature", i don't think that relates to a new car or track but i'm thinking of something related to the gameplay itself. For example a pacecar, rolling start, stalling, false starts, the list of possibilities is endless really

Stuff like rain or night racing isn't going to happen (for now at least).
I think wet races could be a possibility though as some sort of testcase for rain in future patches/s3

Quote from Xenix74 :@Joen ist this Real ! Or a little joking Fake ?

Nissan Skyline for LFS !!!! It would be soooo great


hehe nah just a joke
OMG!!!!!! THE PATCH IS OUT!!! it's only the dedihost patch and not yet on main page (you have to go to additional downloads page)...but IS OUT!!! let's hope the main patch will be released before dinner!!! :static:
I'm not gonna buy that.
Can we stop worrying about TC being in the F1 car. This is a racing traction control designed to make the cars faster and not just act as a safety net for the drivers. Look at Senna's drive at Donnington however great it may have been it just shows how much faster a car with a bent diff and traction control can be.
Quote from Honey :OMG!!!!!! THE PATCH IS OUT!!! it's only the dedihost patch and not yet on main page (you have to go to additional downloads page)...but IS OUT!!! let's hope the main patch will be released before dinner!!! :static:

No it's not :smash3d:
Quote from Honey :OMG!!!!!! THE PATCH IS OUT!!! it's only the dedihost patch and not yet on main page (you have to go to additional downloads page)...but IS OUT!!! let's hope the main patch will be released before dinner!!! :static:

That is not funny.
Quote from ajp71 :No it's not :smash3d:

i tried to see how many heart attacks it would have caused a news like that

sice only 2 people replied, must be all others had an heart attack
Quote from Madman_CZ :...some text dunno bla bla bla ...
edit* damn u people posting too fast, well if u read the main website info about lfs it states that its really a hardcore simulator, without any aids to help you drive so i dont think the devs will ever implement these features. Even though the TC is used in f1 that doesnt really mean it has to be implemented into lfs... id certainly would hate to see aids coming into lfs as then we would have so many servers popping up where tc and abs would be used all time.. like with f1 99-02

I don't think that the F1 TCS or launch control can be seen as driving aid. Of course a driver could do as good or even better starts than the computer but I think the theory behind TCS/launch control is that there is less chance for error and after all it might still be little faster. Specially in the long run TCS can help to keep up the steadyness of lap times because the system is capable of doing things exactly the same way every time while human inputs vary little by time and repetition.
Quote from Honey :OMG!!!!!! THE PATCH IS OUT!!! it's only the dedihost patch and not yet on main page (you have to go to additional downloads page)...but IS OUT!!! let's hope the main patch will be released before dinner!!! :static:

u shall buuuuurrrrnn like this banana!! :bananadea then ill smack you with a fish :splat: then :uglyhamme and finally :chair:

those jokes arent funny!
Quote from Honey :i tried to see how many heart attacks it would have caused a news like that

sice only 2 people replied, must be all others had an heart attack

no, it's just, that nobody will response to something like this, since this was one of the most sentences you could read in every lfs forum
Quote :well certainly all this speculation is really just a waste of forum space

exactly y they closed " Has An Update".Right?:bowdown::lfs:
Quote from Hyperactive :I don't think that the F1 TCS or launch control can be seen as driving aid. Of course a driver could do as good or even better starts than the computer but I think the theory behind TCS/launch control is that there is less chance for error and after all it might still be little faster. Specially in the long run TCS can help to keep up the steadyness of lap times because the system is capable of doing things exactly the same way every time while human inputs vary little by time and repetition.

I agree with you on most points but the driver could never beat the launch control. The launch control can judge perfectly how much throttle it can put on and make tiny corrections thousands of times a minute. It's like when people say that a driver can stop a GT car than a racing ABS system, that's total bullshit.
Quote from Honey :OMG!!!!!! THE PATCH IS OUT!!! it's only the dedihost patch and not yet on main page (you have to go to additional downloads page)...but IS OUT!!! let's hope the main patch will be released before dinner!!! :static:

I didn't even bother looking at the additional downloads page, your false excitement just clearly proved you were pulling their knickers.
Whilst TC and Launch control are undoubtedly in F1 because of the speed advantages, there isn't a shadow of a doubt it's a major reason overtaking is so uncommon and why F1 is percieved by many as dull. Unfortunately we don't live in a perfect world where it's driver skill that makes the cars go fast anymore. But in LFS we CAN have that perfect world. We don't NEED to bow down to the lows of traction control, because we are not investing huge sums on money on winning.

And besides it'll be banned by the implemenation of standard ECU's soon anyway, so without traction control we, the LFS community, can say we predicted this and refused to be pansied by such aids.
Quote :we are not investing huge sums on money on winning

i want huge sums on money on winning.
