The online racing simulator
LFS Window bug
(6 posts, started )
LFS Window bug
The lfs window minimized When i go to multyplayer and i press on the server list. And when i go to the server its still minimized.
And yes i have look to the screen options ingame.
Try shift+f4
yes i do that everytime
its annoying
Just turn the option "Window while connecting" off (in online mode at the beginning).
#5 - Riel
I have that when in Windowed mode, I can only MAXIMIZE window. I want a LFS session at 800x600 for instance but it folds down to only the blue window bar. I can only maximize it (still windowed) in desktop resolution.

Any solution?
Quote from Flame CZE :Just turn the option "Window while connecting" off (in online mode at the beginning).

thx it works

LFS Window bug
(6 posts, started )