The online racing simulator
If the patch comes out the 22nd, I'm killing the devs (sorry guys, but it has to happen).
Quote from MadCatX :why to make a video in external program, when you can use animation from a game?

Because they wanted a stylish white background. Didn't help that awful animation tho.
Quote from Dygear :If the patch comes out the 22nd, I'm killing the devs (sorry guys, but it has to happen).

Why, is it too early for you?
Quote from deggis :

are u refering to rappa z or all this hype and speculation?

video is just a silly animation!!!!! for ads they always use animation, very rarely they use real footage from the game!
Quote from MadCatX :of course, looks like its made in 3D studio or something like that. Aand here comes the question... if LFS will really contain BMW F1 car, why to make a video in external program, when you can use animation from a game??? You are getting crazy guys (plz dont take it like an offence)

Because the devs don't want to make it too easy?
I don't think the two are related that car has Michelin tires.
If all this is true that LFS is going to be influenced by BMW,
I REALLY hope the Dev's stays cold blooded,
and dont let the BMW marketing get their commercial hands on the game overall.
Quote from ajp71 :I don't think the two are related that car has Michelin tires.

...we will get Michelin tyres in the patch.
Quote from VorTeX3k :Because the devs don't want to make it too easy?

Hm, maybe. i admit that the BMW F1 in that stupid animation looks really similar to the one shown on the point for F1 theory

But on the other way, the everything we have is a picture on JUST A PICTURE..... point for me

Devs are teasing us a lot, so we cant be sure about anything. For people who likes the theoryy of F1 addon I have one positive message. If the race spoken o that german site starts on 22nd ApPr, patch must be released earlier, because of technical side of it - sites would be excessively OVERLOADED by massive download... damn, made 150 typos in 5 sentences...
Quote from VorTeX3k :

and i also think that this car will be a demo car, so that everybody can participate to this challenge.

And this would be worthwhile for the LFS devs, why?
i think the online challenge of the intel racing tour will be a small flash game. but on their tour, where you can sit in a f1 chassis and drive, lfs or a modified version will be running.
Quote from sinbad :And this would be worthwhile for the LFS devs, why?

If you make a contest, you need a free platform, where everyone can participate.

Think about the Ocrana Racing challenge together with Fujitsu-Siemens
Quote from Screeny :i think the online challenge of the intel racing tour will be a small flash game. but on their tour, where you can sit in a f1 chassis and drive, lfs or a modified version will be running.

LFS, GPL, GTR.... or F1 Challenge... every game I have named you can mod to add a F1 BMW car. Again, just a funny theory...
i just hope they keep the game origanal and dont let anyone tell them how do make it the devs have done a great job so far and lfs will continue to grow.

the game needs some more cars but i dont know if its right to put a F1 in there just yet maybe some new tracks might come out of this too,
just some therorys i think that will come out of this.
1. add the bmw F1 race car get heaps more involved in this game we all love
2. after the above more cars and tracks added, maybe the devs might get offers from car manufactures to include there cars, could be good, if you get more cars tracks that the cars race on will be included, over the next few years i hope to see more and more added to lfs this game could be the biggest thing since butter on toast.

just my therory it could be a great thing for the devs to look at for the future.
Quote from VorTeX3k :If you make a contest, you need a free platform, where everyone can participate.

Think about the Ocrana Racing challenge together with Fujitsu-Siemens

Running the existing demo cars in a free contest is a whole lot different to running the "best" car in the game for free. How are the LFS devs going to pursuade more of the perpetual demo-drivers to buy a license if they give them the Formula One car for free?
Quote from sinbad :Running the existing demo cars in a free contest is a whole lot different to running the "best" car in the game for free. How are the LFS devs going to pursuade more of the perpetual demo-drivers to buy a license if they give them the Formula One car for free?

Maybe it won't be available for download, maybe they will send few copies to intel for their intel racing tour.
Quote from sinbad :Running the existing demo cars in a free contest is a whole lot different to running the "best" car in the game for free. How are the LFS devs going to pursuade more of the perpetual demo-drivers to buy a license if they give them the Formula One car for free?

Completely agree. Making an F1-only version of LFS is a good idea only when this version is to be shown on E3 or something like that. Making it free for online racing is the best way how to loose money...
Quote from Screeny :i think the online challenge of the intel racing tour will be a small flash game. but on their tour, where you can sit in a f1 chassis and drive, lfs or a modified version will be running.

I'll bet on this one.
Quote from sinbad :Running the existing demo cars in a free contest is a whole lot different to running the "best" car in the game for free. How are the LFS devs going to pursuade more of the perpetual demo-drivers to buy a license if they give them the Formula One car for free?

Well the demo racers have still only one track areal, meaning that they only have 2 tracks in 2 configs. Now you surely aren't gonna drive a F1 car around the rally tracks. Bl and Bl rev with F1 under 1 min sounds like a pain in the ass to me. It's not really a track that is suitable for F1 racing. So demo racers are gonna buy the S2 license to get the tracks that are better for F1's. Well this is my theory and it could be very wrong
Quote from MadCatX :LFS, GPL, GTR.... or F1 Challenge... every game I have named you can mod to add a F1 BMW car.

Quote :Again, just a funny theory...

of course it's a theory. we don't have any facts yet.
but none of the above named games appeared in an intel-ad, did they? and if you haven't already noticed, there's a picture of a BMW F1 on the website, with text saying WHAT THE FUNK.
and the only thing i really know about it right now is that the devs haven't put it there just for fun.
Quote from LRB_Aly :Well the demo racers have still only one track areal, meaning that they only have 2 tracks in 2 configs. Now you surely aren't gonna drive a F1 car around the rally tracks. Bl and Bl rev with F1 under 1 min sounds like a pain in the ass to me. It's not really a track that is suitable for F1 racing. So demo racers are gonna buy the S2 license to get the tracks that are better for F1's. Well this is my theory and it could be very wrong

I agree with Aly
why is everyone so excited for F1? apart from spreading lfs, i would have much more excited if the new car was a BMW-M3 rather than the BMW-F1...
Hi guys,
I think you speculate too much what is good or bad.I am sure Scavier(I am starting to like this nickname ) know much better what is best for them.
#599 - AJS
Quote from MadCatX :LFS, GPL, GTR.... or F1 Challenge... every game I have named you can mod to add a F1 BMW car. Again, just a funny theory...

Plus these other sims DO have real F1 tracks to race on ...

I don´t get why everybody is sooo hyped up ok it´s cool to have a F1 car but that does not make a complete F1 simulation and we already have 2 other single seaters ...

I´m REALLY looking forward to the patch but that´s because of the new tire physics which is known and all this other hype and speculation does not interest me at all.

I want the M6 nonetheless
it's not only the F1 car, but the whole project that seems to be going on there which is fascinating me.