I wish they never even said they were going to bring out a new car, before I bought lfs I understand why people said not too, the games great, very stable and graphics are pretty darn decent but man do we need some other ***ing cars, do the devs even play lfs daily? I can't even play weekly anymore the cars are all the same and it's become boring.
They should of just released the scirroco, it was largely disappointing to me and others to believe we'd have a nice christmas gift on lfs, thats when I understood what people were talking about prior.
We the people, lfs players understand this is their time, maybe they do it in their freetime, maybe they're always free getting hookers and such. I do not care, they made a good game, but I believe they should go somewhere with it. I did some math on the pricing and such, I don't know alot of the lfs history and then I did alil on the skins downloading and all this and it would cost a lot, I'd rather be suprised if the devs even made dough off LFS and I think they should switch up game for a bit take some vacation and make a few cars.
If there was more cars rolling out every few months, then a long pause, some more cars, the game would be much more appealing to others. I know many people who wont buy lfs due to lack of development.
I'd honestly pay for LFS as a subscription, I'd pay probably up to 20-40 monthly.
I don't come around here often but when the scirroco was announced and the threads were poping up I noticed them being closed, I don't understand why you'd want to close this thread, sure it'll pile up with bull but just don't come back, you close it and someones going to open another and it'll just keep happening till the scirroco is released.
Well I pray the dev's get some decent time off but it rather sucks we wait all this time for a production car, thats front wheel drive.
but hey it's a update in the game