The online racing simulator
People who don't have rFactor
(12 posts, started )
People who don't have rFactor
Can you do me a little favour?

I'm trying to reinstall it, and when I get to the page where it asks me if I want to unlock it, I'm getting a 'page cannot be found' message.

Can someone install the lite version (it's only about 100MB) and see if they get the same message please?

You don't have to actually play it if you don't want to
#2 - Mazar
No, I don't..

Best. Maz
Gah, does anyone have any idea what might be causing it? I went to move my rFactor installation over to my new PC yesterday morning, and installed the lite version just to see if everything worked. It did and I unlocked it. I then copied my entire rFactor installation over top, (the folder name and location is exactly the same os the old one) and when I tried to run it, got that screen.

Now, even though I've completely uninstalled and tried again, I just get that Internet Explorer 'cannot find page' screen instead of the unlock/free trial screen.
Delete Cache etc.
#5 - Mazar
i dont think that works, compying whole RF directories over the light version. you will have to install every mod again..

Download that full from homepage, is 1.2 really that huge ?
Quote from Mazar :i dont think that works, compying whole RF directories over the light version. you will have to install every mod again..


Mods and tracks in rFactor don't put anything in any other folders, except the rFactor one. They may use a fancy installer to get things in the right place, but it's still the same file structure so they should work.

I fixed it anyway. Just got a reply to my email to their tech support and they got the problem first time.

When I installed Windows the other day, I didn't realise that the system date was a day too far forward. I only realised yesterday, and changed it to the right date, *after* I'd unlocked rFactor. The DRM was looking up the unlock info and finding out that it had been done at a *future* date.

Got it running now.
Quote from okijuhans :Download that full from homepage, is 1.2 really that huge ?

Full version is just under 1 GB, but a lot of that is cars you'll never drive. The lite version is 100MB and has only one car and track, as they've realised that people will replace everything with mods anyway as soon as they've installed it.
There are a lot of mods that makes use of the original cars/sounds etc. Some include the sound files with the mod, but a lot don't.
Quote from Mazar :i dont think that works, compying whole RF directories over the light version. you will have to install every mod again..

Ah right, missed this bit

It seems to be working now anyway. My original installation was the full version so the original cars and tracks will be in there.
Also for something like 2 billion dollors on rfactor try this.

Quote :In the main menu, pick any of the two race car classes and once you do that, go to Control and start a testing run. Doesn't matter what track you select. In the menu where you actually debrief everything, you'll see a chatbox on the lower left of the menu. In that box, type ISI_BABYFACTORY (All caps) and send it, then exit the race. Once you do, you'll see that you're left with way more money (Around 1-2 billion depending on which class you selected) and most, if not all of the cars, unlocked.

Yeah, I do that so I can use the cars online without playing against AI for hours and hours.

People who don't have rFactor
(12 posts, started )