The online racing simulator
Nvidia - really bad image quality

I've just moved from an x800xl to 7800gt and I am very dissapointed with the image quality.

The whole background seems to 'shimmer' and its very offputting. Also the white lines on the track are quite jagged in comparison to the X800. I am running with max quality settings everwhere and 1024X960 4xAA 8xAF so I wasn't expecting this.

Is this a driver problem or software or just the nvidia hardware isn't as good?

I think it's a general nVidia driver problem. You can try though:
- reduce AF amount (?)
- use rivatuner to set the mip-bias to 0.3 or something. This makes the far away textures look more blurry (you don't really notice), but decreases shimmering big time. Also set the mip-bias in LFS to the most blurry setting (0 I think) - LFS looks much better that way. Trust me on this, I have a 6600GT which have the worst shimmering known to man :/
Okay, where exactly do I find this Mip Bias setting in Riva Tuner?

It would be nice to know that. I've checked but couldn't find it.

Click on the little button besides "Customize...", then choose "DirectDraw and Direct3D settings". In the newly opened window you choose the tab "Mipmapping" and there it is.
#5 - ORION
download a XG v2 driver, they have the best quality you can get, and also good performance
I use "NHANCER" to turn on 4xsupersampling and 2x2 multisampling combined together with 16x anisotropic filtering. My shimmering is history...
thanks for all the help everyone, I'll be trying some of this stuff out later.

how much of a frame-rate hit do you get MZWiZard with all that stuff turned on?
I would just use 16xAF and 4xAA at a higher resolution.. And then use HIGH QUALITY setting in the control panel.. I agree NV doesn't have as good IQ as ATI- but just turn up the settings and it looks great. I can run 1600 x 1200 with all options in game cranked and 4xAA and 16xAF and never go below 50 FPS no matter what. Goes up to 200_ FPS sometimes. It looks sweet too.
Oh, this is THE most important thing for LFS... Just do this and all will be fine.

Looks a lot better...
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