Cars: LX4 & LX6 (one each per team)
Track: Blackwood GP Reverse
Teams: 14x 3-man, 2-car teams (This allows for 42 team drivers on server at once, Race Director, Push Car Driver, Safety Car Driver, and two commentators.) 12 slots are reserved for CoRe teams and teams we specifically invite (invitations have been sent). *Note: Depending on some still developing details, this may increase to 15 teams.
Team Skins: You are welcome to do special skins for this race. Please adhere to all LFS requirements for skins. Also, please have your car numbers on the rear, both sides, and on the plates.
Driver Names: (Note: when switching cars, you MUST switch your name as well!)
LX6 should use this format: ## F.Lastname
LX4 should use this format: ## F.Lastname
Server: "CoRe 4th Anniversary Race" - server will have Kevin Burns's server tracking application running in practice mode. On the Friday and Saturday leading up to the race, the server will be set to 10 minute qualifying and 10 lap races. Server passwords will be sent to the driver that registers each team on March 30th for private practice sessions.
Qualifying: 20 minutes per car, team choose qualifying driver...must be different driver for each car. Qualifying driver does NOT have to start the race in the car qualified.
Race: 3 hours timed
Driver Minimum Requirements: Each driver must drive at least 30 laps in each car type.
Driver Swap Limitations: Each team may only have 3 drivers max on the server (two driving, one spectate) for the purpose of driver switches. If a driver that has just exited a car will be entering a car within 2 laps, he may remain on the server. Otherwise, he should disconnect.
Typical Driver Stint Schedule (for informative purposes only):
* Driver 1 drives LX6 for hour 1
* Driver 2 drives LX4 for hour 1
* Driver 3 drives LX6 for hour 2
* Driver 1 drives LX4 for hour 2
* Driver 2 drives LX6 for hour 3
* Driver 3 drives LX4 for hour 3
*NOTE: Carefully plan and execute your swap schedules. In the above example, there is a potential bottle neck switching driver #1 from LX6 to LX4 for hour 2 because he is essentially doing hour 1 & 2 back to back.
Driving Rules: Don't wreck people. If you don't know how to drive, you won't be in this race anyway. More details to come on possible SC periods.
Broadcast: We will be looking into getting this race broadcast on Mogulus with commentary.
Registration: Please submit a post in this thread with your intention to register. One entry per team, please. If there are still open spots as of April 3rd, we'll open those spots to second entries.
Your post should be formatted like the following:
Registered Teams:
1) CoRe Racing #1 - car #'s 1 & 101
2) F1RST Racing - car #'s 4 & 104
3) spdo Racing - car #'s 55 & 155
4) #low-racing - car #'s 22 & 122
5) Concept Racing - car #'s 6 & 106
6) XFusion Racing - car #'s 69 & 169
7) SpeedCore - car #'s 12 & 112
Reserve Slots:
March 28 EDIT: Registration is open to the public at this time!
April 2 EDIT: Team contacts need to finalize their lineups by the end of the day tomorrow please.
Server passwords will be sent out Friday evening to team contacts!