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FIA have backed down according to SkyNEWS (unconfirmed)

was this just a publicity stunt???
This is becoming a joke, how can we have such drastic rule changes, and then reversals of changes just a few weeks before the first race, someone tell the FIA to shut up please.

Blimey! Hamilton actually expressed an opinion for a change! Although the words probrably came from his PR man. ... 34015e5cf1af8c1fd94bf5991
Quote from 5haz :This is becoming a joke, how can we have such drastic rule changes, and then reversals of changes just a few weeks before the first race, someone tell the FIA to shut up please.

Blimey! Hamilton actually expressed an opinion for a change! Although the words probrably came from his PR man. ... 34015e5cf1af8c1fd94bf5991

What's this nonsense? Last year, people were complaining that he expressed his opinion too much. Haters need to make their minds up...
Quote from dawguk :Last year, people were complaining that he expressed his opinion too much. Haters need to make their minds up...

I certainly wasn't one of them.
I don't remember when Hamilton has expressed a real opinion, other than when he called the backmarkers the "monkeys at the back". Since then he just seems to spout PR scripted nonsense.

But now he IS a monkey at the back (probably, based on the dire testing performances) he'll have to eat his words. And this year will be the first we can see, properly, whether he is made of the right stuff - assuming the car is as rubbish as it looks. Marvellous.
Quote from tristancliffe :I don't remember when Hamilton has expressed a real opinion, other than when he called the backmarkers the "monkeys at the back". Since then he just seems to spout PR scripted nonsense.

But now he IS a monkey at the back (probably, based on the dire testing performances) he'll have to eat his words. And this year will be the first we can see, properly, whether he is made of the right stuff - assuming the car is as rubbish as it looks. Marvellous.

Stop being jealous hes better than you
Good News, well kinda.

Quote :The FIA has said it will defer the introduction of a new points system in Formula 1 until 2010 if teams are unhappy about it.
The Formula One Teams' Association (FOTA) issued a statement on Friday questioning the validity of the rule change which will see the world championship handed to the driver with the most wins.
FOTA believes that the rules could not be changed at this late stage without unanimous support of the teams.
The FIA has responded to FOTA's claims, suggesting that its World Motor Sport Council that voted for the changes earlier this week was under the impression that the teams had supported the 'winner takes all' proposal put forward by Bernie Ecclestone.
In light of complaints from leading figures, the FIA has now said that if the teams are unhappy then the introduction of the wins systems will be delayed until 2010.
The statement said: "On 17 March, the FIA World Motor Sport Council unanimously rejected FOTA's proposed amendment to the points system for the Formula One Drivers' Championship. The 'winner takes all' proposal made by the commercial rights holder (who had been told that the teams were in favour) was then approved.
"If, for any reason, the Formula One teams do not now agree with the new system, its implementation will be deferred until 2010."
Awesome news!
Now I'm kind of disappointed, I want to see what an epic fail that rule change could have been.
FOTA throwing FIA's own rulebook back at them - great! Now we can have a proper championship!
They should strap Bernie to a chair and slap him in the face one at a time with the rulebook.
Yay! proper racing is back
Thank god for that Common sense prevails. Normal service is resumed, lets hope it goes to the wire again. (which I'm sure as hell it wouldn't have done with that stupid idea they came up with)
Hmm so it only took the FIA a few hours to surrender.. thank god they're french!
I'd see better organisation and commitment from the local playschool kids...

The FiA is a bloody disgrace.
Quote from evilpimp :They should strap Bernie to a chair and slap him in the face one at a time with the rulebook.

No, they should just leave him tied to that chair so he can't hurt anything.
I only got knowlege of that a few minutes ago, through a friend of mine that I met on work (and he is an assumed F1 addict, like me). Those are great news indeed, and I personally think that the Brawn GP drivers might have a chance on the WDC.

And I agree with niall09, FIA is getting to disgrace.
Quote from tristancliffe :I don't remember when Hamilton has expressed a real opinion, other than when he called the backmarkers the "monkeys at the back". Since then he just seems to spout PR scripted nonsense.

But now he IS a monkey at the back (probably, based on the dire testing performances) he'll have to eat his words. And this year will be the first we can see, properly, whether he is made of the right stuff - assuming the car is as rubbish as it looks. Marvellous.

He speaks his mind, people say he's full of himself. He reads from a script, and people claim that he's a robot with no brain. Is it any wonder that he spouts "PR scripted nonsense", when everything he does and says is jumped on by idiots like you?
This is ridiculous and certainly not getting F1 any new fans.
Quote from evilpimp :They should strap Bernie to a chair and slap him in the face one at a time with the rulebook.

yeah, and before that he'd be asked the same question over and over: "Will you retire?", and of course we'd turn up the intensity: "Will you bloody retire once and for all, for ****'s sake?"
The F1 will retire before Bernie. I'm not sure he can actually die.
yupeee... the teams refused to introduce the new "crowned by victory" driver championship...