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What did you buy your mother?
(92 posts, started )
Quote from Riders Motion :For a moment I almost had a hearth attack but then I saw that it's in May over here. Saved!

Same :P Had to do a little research to make sure when it is here heh.
Quote from evilpimp :Same :P Had to do a little research to make sure when it is here heh.

I knew it, just... wasnt sure...
Attached images
ive just ridden my bike 5 miles in like 5 mins , to get a card and a bar of Galaxy chocolate . now im knakerd
aww crap hope it aint in finland yet, if so, ive forgot
#30 - 5haz
Who thinks up all these different 'days'? I'd like to have them shot.
I'll just hug my mom.

May 10th here.
I got her a card, and even at that I didn't want to.

For two reasons. The first being that I don't get on with her. The second being is that I don't see why one (largely commercial) day is any different to another. It's not like we're celebrating a birthday or Christmas, but these silly one day fads such as Valentines Day (seriously, wtf?), Mothers and Fathers day... it's just a load of bollox. I don't treat it any differently to any other day. If either my Mum, Dad or my GF were to expect any sort of special treatment on said days, then sadly they'll be disappointed.
sons day , now where the f*** is it
Wii and Wii Fit ftw
Quote from jwardy :sons day , now where the f*** is it

Very true! I want a sons day!
Quote from Intrepid :Wii and Wii Fit ftw

Did your mum not get offended at you trying to suggest something?
i didn't buy her a thing, my brothers did, thank god for them
Quote from Riders Motion :For a moment I almost had a hearth attack but then I saw that it's in May over here. Saved!

Me too. AMB, you really shouldn't scare people like that.
No, I did not buy my mother.
I bought her a packet of flake bars cause i forgot it was mothers day.
(With my dad's money )
#42 - AMB
Quote from Kalev EST :Me too. AMB, you really shouldn't scare people like that.


OnTopic: I hate father day and mothers day, valentines day is ok though cause it's celebrating your love for one another doesn't mean you have to buy her something, just means you give her some love juice..
Quote from AMB :valentines day is ok though cause it's celebrating your love for one another doesn't mean you have to buy her something, just means you give her some love juice..

Quote from AMB :Sowwy

OnTopic: I hate father day and mothers day, valentines day is ok though cause it's celebrating your love for one another doesn't mean you have to buy her something, just means you give her some love juice..

More like an excuse to ask someone out without sounding like a complete embarrassment.

If you need a day to 'celebrate' your 'love' then perhaps you aren't in 'love'. Or it's just me. Besides, what's so special about Feb 14th or whatever anyway?
#45 - AMB
Didn't mean it like that exactly S14

Was just trying to find a reason for the stupid day.

Haha... it's an excuse to get laid ... I guess. :hide:
#47 - AMB
For the lucky ones yes

Btw that post was your 7,666th OMG 666 it's the devil.
Hahaha. Devil in the making.
I didn't even give my mum a Facebook gift, what makes you people think I'd buy her something?
Well, I am not sure the question was aimed specifically at you Blueflame! :slap:

What did you buy your mother?
(92 posts, started )