The online racing simulator
Name & Shame your ISP!
(60 posts, started )
Name & Shame your ISP!
My annoyance with my ISP has finally evolved into a type of Loathing.
If you are fed up with the absolute joke of a service that your ISP tries so pathetically to provide then name them & shame them here.

my advice:


1. ORANGE (formally wanadoo)

2. AOL (America on line)

3. GET


5. sonera
Yep been with AOL for about 10 years and they are really starting to pee me off with random disconnects.

Grrr, no offence but the butt hole Indian tech reps are completely clueless.
TalkTalk. Might have good adverts, but don't provide the goods (where I live anyway)
Here in Norway ; GET. I hate this company, it's useless. Was without propper TV signals for two weeks, internet coming and going, the speed is changing between 5mbit-30mbit. Custommer support..where? Waiting 50 min in their queve and can then be called back if wanted. I do so, 6 (!!) hours later they call me back, just to basically tell it's my bloody fault. Trying to say that "NO THAT MODEM IS NOT CONNECTED WRONG", since I work for ISP myself. The man on phone still incist that I have connected it wrong. After 1 hour on the phone he belives I have a router connected (alltho I do not have it), and I use 30 min to get him to accept that there is no bloody router connected. 2 hours of total in the conversation, and no sollution.

He then tells me that I got this xx xxx xx case number and estimated "fix" time is 1-3days depending of x number of reasons. I wait 3.5 days and call back, just to find out my "case" was closed.
By that point I started to get frustrated, but either way - 1 hour more of phone and we make a new case number on me.

4 days later I call them back and ask hows it going. Get then answered that they tried to reach me, but did not succeed. There had been a service man on my door without ANY information, SMS or note in my mailbox. They then wanted 650NOK for the whole thing, and I had to order a new visit for the service man.

I do so, the service man and me agree's on a date and he comes home to me. He goes around drinking cofee (at my excpence) and tries to find the problem. Looking at some cables and replacing the out-take in the wall. He then asks me to wait 12 hours and it should work.

I wait a day (to make sure I did not rush it) then tries. Nope. On my modem is things better now, it tells there is a contact but not allowed log-in (PPPoE). I somewhat get really pissed off, because I know that the whole thing is DHCP here, so I guess those people in GET somewhat have made my "config" in their system at PPPoE instead of DHCP. (if I just had a U/P I could just write that, but I did not have since it was DHCP in the first place and ISP did not give me pasword back). I call them, waits some hours and start talking with one of these. After mindBLOWING 3 hours on phone of checking and me almost ending up in tears by a nazi custommer support we FINALY find the errorr. Those sod DID ofc have the system config on PPPoE instead of the DHCP.

He changes it, but system fails. He then make a case on it and asks me to be kind waiting for their reply. From there it goes back on forth, their system just crashing and they canot change the config, I think that it tok at least 5 days after that that it finally started to work again.

So, when my contract time is out with GET (1 year after you bought it), I AM SO going to change!
Quote from AlienT. :Yep been with AOL for about 10 years and they are really starting to pee me off with random disconnects.

Grrr, no offence but the butt hole Indian tech reps are completely clueless.

Yes the indian 'techs' are a pain in the ass, and you can't even understand them, however my connection is pretty solid, apart from a constant 1am/midnight cut out (depending on GMT/GMT+1) for 20 seconds every day, and occasional drops of up to an hour or so.

On wireless as well, but I use my connection so much I can't really complain. However if you don't have AOL, don't get it! However if you are lucky and have a fairly stable connection, don't go running to change overly quickly unless you have problems.
#6 - 5haz
Don't hate BT (yet!), but I do hate Netgear for making wireless network systems which only work under certain star signs.
It's you. My Netgear has been pretty much flawless, considering, according to windows I have a "very weak" signal strength, it rarely drops and always proves a stable connection, enough for mega
#8 - 5haz
Well I've had enough of it and ran a network cable through to my computer, it was working fine then suddenly one day it refused to work ever again, it was constantly connecting on and off very quickly.

Neighbours had a wireless boiler thermostat temperature controller thingy put in, and their wireless connection died too, perhaps that it, doubt it somehow.
It could be because of their boiler thermostat thing, have you tried other channels?
Quote from anttt69 :

1. ORANGE (formally wanadoo)

I'll second that. Poor speed, poor reliability and poor customer service. I'm heading into town tomorrow to buy myself some O2!

Quote from AlienT. :Yep been with AOL for about 10 years and they are really starting to pee me off with random disconnects.

Grrr, no offence but the butt hole Indian tech reps are completely clueless.

I think they're the guys who change the IPs of their customers pretty much all the time. A nightmare for gamers!
Infinitum... from Telmex... Of Carlos Slim...
i won't name mine because for the most part i like my isp...

i, however, don't like their packet-filtering/QoS/sandvine/whatever-you-want-to-call-it-P2P-blocker... can't even download legit torrents without it being clamped down to 2k/s...

now here's the kicker... my coworker lives in my apartment building, he's on a residential account, and he can P2P like the wind.

on the other hand, i like their same-day service... that is when their techs arrive on-time. (but i don't think they can control that, being contract workers and all)
If I die I am going to take those verizon bastards with me
Quote :Achmed:can you hear me now? CAachh1!!!boom

Going to upgrade to Earthlink 7mbit cable anyways

EDIT: crazy ****ers need to die asap. Random disconnects and the damn Indian customer support idiots blame my computer >)
absolutely useless.
recently changed to a new ISP.
three-times faster than Telstra, double to download quota, for half the price.
#16 - Migz
I absolutely LOVEEE my ISP
None of you would ever of heard of them though, they're called Jersey Telecoms, and are only over here.
The only time i can remember ever complaining about them was a few weeks ago when i downloaded 9 gigs on the first day of the month, and then another 16 gigs overnight from the second day to the third day of the month.
Which used my entire 20gb bandwidth limit up for the month, and i was stuck with stupidly slow connection, which always cut out whenever i tried to do something besides msn.

But besides that their great, they have 3 bandwidth options, 20gb, 40gb and 60, so if i hit my limit constantly i can just upgrade. Theres hardly ever any down time, their arent any stupid indian tech service people, and their HQ is only about 3-4 miles away so if it doesnt take long for them to send anyone over here.
The only slightly suckish thing though is that the highest speed is 2mbps.
But thats not their fault, the island where i live doesnt have the right cabling down to go faster.

But yeah, if you want a decent ISP, move to jersey and go with jersey telecoms Haha
Quote from anik360 :If I die I am going to take those verizon bastards with me Going to upgrade to Earthlink 7mbit cable anyways

EDIT: crazy ****ers need to die asap. Random disconnects and the damn Indian customer support idiots blame my computer >)

Verizon for almost 12 years here! Dial up to DSL to now FiOS. Pretty good service.
Quote from master_lfs.5101 :Verizon for almost 12 years here! Dial up to DSL to now FiOS. Pretty good service.

except that your FiOS is still constricted by a congested backbone...
Quote from NSX_FReeDoM :TELSTRA!
absolutely useless.
recently changed to a new ISP.
three-times faster than Telstra, double to download quota, for half the price.

yeah bigpond is pretty sh@t right now ive beens using TPG the last week they had some problems with random d/c but its all good now, they are stable and provide reasonable prices
Quote from The Very End :the speed is changing between 5mbit-30mbit

Wish I could have that problem. I have a choice of reasonably priced 1.5 or too much $$$ 5mb.

Been on DSL since 2007 when it first came available to me. Only ever had 1 problem of the connection going out on me. Didn't really matter though, we were out of power for 4 days. I had internet back first and ran a generator, the work laptop, and the wife's TV for entertainment for the last 2 days of no power.

Screw you guys, 1.5Mb broadband is not supposed to download at 77kbps. Even the upload speed is three times faster than that.

And to think I switched to BT because I thought Tiscali were bad.
TELSTRA telemarket me and I managed to get the sales rep to admit that my current plan is better than anything they can offer.

Everyone I know that has TELSTRA are getting ripped off. The only reason this company can continue to survive is because their customers don't know the difference between 5GB and 500MB.
Quote from StableX :I've been with Eclipse for the last 6-7 years and they're really good..

I have an Eclipse Business Package...might "seem" pricey when compared to a "home" deal - (£23pm), but for that I get a REALLY stable service, I have had disconnects in three years, static IP, unlimited use, free telephone calls to ALL UK landlines (except the 'premium' numbers..09-etc), great customer service - people who actually KNOW what they are talking about in English that I can actually understand,

Big for Eclipse from me too!
I am a left wing liberal, I run a department staffed by Indians, and the manager above me is Indian.

I had a sales call from somebody in an Inian call centre the other day, with really bad latency on the line, static, she was mumbling quietly and I could not understand her. She started to berate me because I was "one of these people who hates Indian call centres". By the time she finished, I hated Indian call centres.

Seriously, whilst i'm sure there are merits to Indian call centres other than labelling your company as tight fisted money grabbers, and that the centres are really good at some things, giving customer services is best done locally - and making a sales call from India just isn't going to work.
Sorry for going off topic, but you all, at least in UK complains about indians / pakistans on the phone when calling the custommer support. Are there so many of them, or is it just generally speaking for people who canot talk propper english or with funny accent?

I bet I would be pissed of to if my homeland support did not speak the same language as me..

Name & Shame your ISP!
(60 posts, started )