I seriously don't get why people have such a problem with people wanting better..
That's how games evolve and new technologies come out. You can never fully satisfy anyone.. and people willing to provide money for better features/services/cars/clothes/houses is how the market works..
Do the same old things with your friends and you'll get bored. Chances are if you don't do some new things you'll end up being less good friends or in contact less often..
Same with anything, really..
The same applies here. If LFS is not being updated, when there are other sims getting, clearly, VISIBLE development time.. people will get bored and eventually give up.
People can sit here and say they have faith in the devs but faith in what exactly? No-ones doubting that there will eventually be an update, but the question is just how things are getting on. People want to know what's coming in the future (6~12 months from now, etc) and if you keep people in the dark, it's like giving them a cold shoulder.
It's a game and it seems that unless you kiss dev ass, you're an idiot, a whinger, a moaner, etc. Obviously there comes a point where this is true, but more often then not they're just wondering what is happening, and instead get moaned at (hypocritical?) by the hardcore members.. sometimes I myself moan at these others, we're all guilty.
Most of said people who "stand by the devs" don't even play anymore...