The online racing simulator

Poll : What day should the Murray Motorsport Cup be held on

Closed since :
Dont Mind
Weekends, Weekdays ?

Vote here for your opinion on what day you would like the cup to be held on.

Thanks for your cooperation,
TBH mate, a broadcasted, prize giving race would be stupid held on a week day.
Quote from Wilko868 :TBH mate, a broadcasted, prize giving race would be stupid held on a week day.

+1, i think a sunday running parallel to the TBO Challenge would be good.
I think it would run after the TBOC, but im not sure.....
Quote from Wilko868 :I think it would run after the TBOC, but im not sure.....

Yess well i THINK the tboc is finishing on the 7th of June (Please correct me if im wrong) and the MMS Cup will start the 5th of July, and yes our first plan was to have it on a Sunday but then people are saying that they arent availible on Sunday's so I'm just trying to make sure that the majority of people are availible.

Quote from n-murray :Yess well i THINK the tboc is finishing on the 7th of June (Please correct me if im wrong) and the MMS Cup will start the 5th of July, and yes our first plan was to have it on a Sunday but then people are saying that they arent availible on Sunday's so I'm just trying to make sure that the majority of people are availible.


Well then I'd run it in the TBOC's place as it finishes a week or so after... and that grid gets good turnouts, and the prizes will attract drivers anyway.
Quote from n-murray :Yess well i THINK the tboc is finishing on the 7th of June (Please correct me if im wrong) and the MMS Cup will start the 5th of July, and yes our first plan was to have it on a Sunday but then people are saying that they arent availible on Sunday's so I'm just trying to make sure that the majority of people are availible.


Also, there's not much point running a broadcast for a weekday series
#8 - Dru
Quote from Wilko868 :Also, there's not much point running a broadcast for a weekday series

Really - why is that exactly?

Surely it just depends upon what leagues are currently and when compared when you want to run this league. Its a total balance thing isn't it
Quote from pacesetter :Well then I'd run it in the TBOC's place as it finishes a week or so after... and that grid gets good turnouts, and the prizes will attract drivers anyway.

We cant start untill all of the admins are there + andy and I wont be here mid-June well he will but he is doing his Junior Cert this year so we can't really start the cup while one of our admin's is doing exams and I will be at a ghealtacht (an Irish speaking summer camp for any non-Irish people ) and my ghealtacht is over on the 22nd and andy is finished his exams on the 21st (he thinks) and the next Sunday after that is the 28th and it says in the race calendeer that the UTCM - UER Touring car Masters is on then and not on the next sunday and neither is anything else (besides the Absolute-beginners Open & closed league but thats on EVERY Sunday in the year so........) Also it gives me and andy to get to know what went onwhile we wernt on lfs for 2-3 weeks
I hope paragraphing is also taught at that Irish speaking thing
Actually in civilized languages commas seperate clauses from each other..
I want it to be on Sundays, and it doesnt have to be on a unique date to every other league, as league will always clash....
Sorry Jack (atkinson) lol I was in work and I had to hurry writing that so I justr through it down without reading over it. And James it does sort of have to be on a unizue date as there arent THAT many leagues on over the Summer.
It looks ilike Sunday is winning the poll anyway.
When is the poll closed?
Quote :This poll will close on 17th May 2009 at 10:38

Quote from J@tko :.

where do you see that ? It shouldn't end cause i haven't put a end timer on it (i think).
the top of the poll
Quote from n-murray :where do you see that ? It shouldn't end cause i haven't put a end timer on it (i think).

Why wouldnt you want it to end? It does need to come to some conclusion at some stage.....
Quote from pacesetter :Why wouldnt you want it to end? It does need to come to some conclusion at some stage.....

Ye well It will be over at 17th of May (i dont know why lol) and the first round id the 5th of may so we will probably come to a conclusion maybe before it ends....If not we will just start it again.
sunday is ok but alot of running leagues atm
Quote from jwardy :sunday is ok but alot of running leagues atm

Yes there are alot of leagues running atm but none (besides one but thats running EVERY sunday in the year) running when mms cup is