The online racing simulator
Quote from e2mustang :That pic wasnt funny at all,poor girl covered blod after marrige in a car accident,the text on that pic... no comment.

Was that real.. Now that is what I call a sad pic..
((SaM)) DELETED by (SaM)
Ok ok sorry, i didnt mean for it to be taken badly. i've removed it now as well. Im not like Dhramstein, i dont mean to be a dick!
Quote from Migz :Ok ok sorry, i didnt mean for it to be taken badly. i've removed it now as well. Im not Dhramstein, i dont mean to be a dick!

While DHRammstein was trying very hard to have an interesting discussion with people while unknowingly being a dick instead, you were a dick by posting that horrible photo and thinking we would laugh along. And you know it.
Just a pic guys get a chillout soda and enjoy the lameness...
Quote from (SaM) :While DHRammstein was trying very hard to have an interesting discussion with people while unknowingly being a dick instead, you were a dick by posting that horrible photo and thinking we would laugh along. And you know it.

Yes at first i just wanted you to laugh along, but then after i realised it was rather disgusting and not funny, otherwise i would have left the picture up there.
Conclusion: you were a dick and you regret it.

Let's move on.

Indeed moving on

The mug isn't fail, it's great

If I worked at homicide I'd have one
Some pictures are failing with fail y0 dawg I can put failz into your failz so you can fail in fail

btw I still dont get why xzibit always says yo dawg, where does that come from?
Im guessing, him saying yo dawg every time he meets someone on pimp my ride.
at the end of every episode it goes like.. Yo dawg, i heard you like (eg surfing, so I got you a surfing board but sometimes he sais really retarded stuff...that's why
In the TV show "Pimp My Ride", host Xzibit reveals each newly pimped-out vehicle with the line "Sup dawg, we heard you like X, so we put a Y in your car so you can Z while you drive". The Internet liked this line, and started creating its own versions; a meme was born. By the time the picture above appeared, the phrase had mutated into "Yo dawg", and the focus of the meme had shifted to the concept of things inside (or on top of) other things — most commonly presented as an image macro, with or without a superimposed image of a smiling Xzibit.
(DevilDare) DELETED by DevilDare
Hehheh, that shut him up
DevilDare :
Quote from bmwe30m3 :that pic is real fail,for the George Bush pictures you have searched for George Bush,and then just edited the pic to retard,easy to understand from the names of the pics,George Bush is writen in you sir FAIL!!!

+1, although when we write an initial combination, google might go bold on the full name coming from that combination. Still...
omg that wedding picture..
Quote from Scrabby :omg that wedding picture..

NOOOOOOOO, why did you have to bring it up again Damnit.


(Chupacabras84) DELETED by Chupacabras84

No offense
Attached images
americans.jpg dude what kind of site is that
I thought there some cool photos but the home page its simple JPG so to actually watch content i was forced to search trough document tree.
I mean is it some kind of private or something
This thread is closed

The inevitable picture thread II: Return of the funnies
(5404 posts, closed, started )