Hey Guys!
I'm rather new to the forum, being that this is only my first post. I've been playing LFS for a few months already. I mainly started playing LFS because GRID wouldn't work on my laptop (Video card is rather basic, and doesn't support Shader-3) However, I can run LFS on decent specs rather fine, almost to par with GT4. But, there's clearly some lag once other cars start showing up within my FOV ^_^" (Main reason why I don't try the races. Also, I only wanted to play LFS for the drifting anyway, which I quite enjoy.)
I have an S1 license, since it was all that I could afford at the time, and I only really wanted it so people could view my custom XRG skin when playing on the fat-oil drift server (I'm the only one with a Tokidoki Vacanze-print skin. I'll post a pic once I figure out how to take realistic-looking pics while in replay mode.)
I do plan on grabbing the S2 incremental some time soon. Also, I am running Alpha Z.
My current gamepad is a Logitech Cordless Rumblepad 2, which I have laid out similar to the PS2 controls for GT4, since the controller is identical to a PS2 controller. Luckily, Profiler supports LFS, so I get all the good rumble action. However, I use the right thumb-stick for the throttle and brake, similar to using an R/C car (which I should've tried earlier, because maybe then I would've been able to drift in GT4. lol)
My average score on fat-oil is around 7000 on Blackwood. (unfortunately, I can't do an over9000 joke in this case.) I don't Arab-drift though, I do it all in the corners. To me, if it's not in the curve, it's not worth the swerve. I'm not a noob, but I'm nowhere near Tsuchiya-sama either. I'm sorta just a moderate who knows how to get the car sideways. I originally learned how to drift on my own, using the E-brake, but then eventually, I taught myself how to drift without it.
I forget who gave me my XRG setup, but all I changed to it so far was raise the front suspension up a bit so the wheels wouldn't rub against the wheel wells. However, I'm not sure if that's considered to be redundant or not. I've mainly been drifting the XRG on Blackwood, but I've also tried my hand at drifting the FZ50 on various tracks, which I've had moderate success with. The street track (I forget the name) The Kyoto Ring (both the actual ring, and the full track) and my personal favorite, Westhill. I haven't really tried the XRT all that much, and haven't had that much success with it, mainly due to not being used to the tight gear setups it has. I'm not used to the shift light being 1k-rpm away from the redline, and I always seem to always be in a higher gear than I expect to be in.
I'm fairly happy with my current XRG setup, but I was wondering if you guys might have anything for the XRT or FZ50 that get along well with the Logitech Cordless Rumblepad 2 on a PS2-GT4-style setup. Thanks!
Also, my main home is the Fat-Oil drift server, so if you guys are ever in there. just look for the XRG with black rims and a Tokidoki Vacanze-print skin!