The online racing simulator
so gratz Arr.. ehmmm Baggy.. err I mean Arrechee!
nice battle there :tempted:
Yeah, good battle.. Keep it up!
Quote from Bawbag :I'm sure I can remember Victor saying that he still has all the charts from the previous patches saved.

Jupp,i Remember that too .
Would be nice to see them, never paid attention before patch Y. Please upload them somewhere Victor!
Oh yes, i want to see that too.
Good stuff Arechee, I think I have some spare time on Sunday night to try and come up with 5 tenths, though to be honest most of my laps are within a few tenths of the WR, so these 5 tenths wont come easy.

Good to have something to make me play LFS though, havn't had any sort of motivation at all lately, hopefully if we get this new patch things will spice up again.
I've had some great battles in the TBO ranks past and present, and had my ass handed to me on a plate many times. Many memories and moments of ""(&$! invalid object" "!&!(!!!!!!!!!$U(!$&.

I used to think why bother hotlapping, but it has many rewards as frustating as it can be. But for myself it extened the life and playability for the game as a whole. The functions available to the user regardless of speed/skill in LFSworld really can help you improve your driving.

Thinking about that idea of archives again, having Eza above me in all the TBO cars acrchived forever in the history of LFSworld .... i dont think i could carry on with life ....

Anyway being a little more serious now, keep pushing it guys