The online racing simulator
I have a little joke with a friend where whenever we are behind each other in a corridor we will slap the person infronts ass... Its a running joke which is difficult to explain.

So Im walking down the corridor with a female infront of me who is the same height, and same legnth of hair as thie girl, so I slap her arse.

I walk into the classroom and this teacher walks in and says "Im your teacher today, and are you the guy who just slapped my arse?"...

That sucked. That sucked bigtime.
I'd have said "Yup it was too nice to resist", see what happens then.
I appear to be physically incapable of starting a conversation without one of the first things I say being to ask how somebody is, it's a trivial question, and one which establishes the pleasantries and allows a conversation to grow naturally and wander off down the path of aimless natter - this is grand, except...

Lately i've been doing a lot of hospital visits to a family member, he's very week and clearly asking if he's ok is going to be a really stupid question so I dont ask it.

The problem is, i'm so ingrained in starting conversations this way I struggle to start one any other way, and the last two times i've been i've stood there like a lemon.

grrr at social conditioning...
Quote from Becky Rose :I appear to be physically incapable of starting a conversation without one of the first things I say being to ask how somebody is, it's a trivial question, and one which establishes the pleasantries and allows a conversation to grow naturally and wander off down the path of aimless natter - this is grand, except...

Lately i've been doing a lot of hospital visits to a family member, he's very week and clearly asking if he's ok is going to be a really stupid question so I dont ask it.

The problem is, i'm so ingrained in starting conversations this way I struggle to start one any other way, and the last two times i've been i've stood there like a lemon.

grrr at social conditioning...

To provoke a pleasant answer, like you normally expect, ask 'how aren't you?'. It's not rude and it will begin the conversation in the way you are used to.
Quote from 5haz :Sitting on the bus/train, when a random person sits next to you and starts talking to you.

That's not so bad. If a normal person sits next to me on BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit, in Cali) I'm fine, because most of the time it's a crazy gay guy with a red wig and wearing a too-too and combat boots.

EDIT * that's not the only guy, just an example of the MANY examples lol. Berkeley is frickin' weird.
Quote from MadCat360 :That's not so bad. If a normal person sits next to me on BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit, in Cali) I'm fine, because most of the time it's a crazy gay guy with a red wig and wearing a too-too and combat boots.

Lol, reminds me of that bit on ace ventura when jim carey is dressed as the mad ray finkle...

Quote from danthebangerboy :Lol, reminds me of that bit on ace ventura when jim carey is dressed as the mad ray finkle...

Yup. There's tons of them just like that.

Some of the people you see on Bay Area public transport are just flat out strange. Gays and lesbians being the most common. And if anyone thinks it would be awesome to see lesbians making out on the bus/train, realize that there are no attractive lesbians.

I also hate it when someone dies but you didn't know them at all, and someone you know knew them really well and they tell you about it. I mean, it's tragic, but I don't care really because I had no idea who they were, but I have to fake it anyway and sometimes it just makes me sound like an ass (not that I'm not an ass, just now they know it).
Quote :realize that there are no attractive lesbians.

I has taste, k thx.
Quote from MadCat360 : realize that there are no attractive lesbians.

You're not watching the right videos.
Quote from S14 DRIFT :You're not watching the right videos.

lol, okay okay, there are no attractive lesbians who's names don't end in .jpeg, .wmv or .mov. :P
in fairness I knew i'd be mocked by posting my picture in this context, but to diss my hair !? Jeez, do you has any idea at all just how cool my hair is?
bring back the bicycle helmet.
weird I cannae find it on my facebook, I give you dyke in bed becky-porn instead.
yus, coz I has lots of bed photos for reasons I can nae explain, but dats all you get.

See, my hair is just awesomage.

I can be porn star no?
Lol, that look on your face there, as if to say, ffs, not you again, bloody paparrazo, can i have no peace!
hrm, I take that as a no then :/ !

was one of mah sexay sultry looks
Actually, had literally just awoken
Just wait until someone captions one of those pics.

Oh and becky, keep teh hairz. Itz teh l33t.
neh it's going as soon as I can afford what I want, which is leopard spots.
LOL, sorry but i just thought you said leopard spots....

No but seriously, sounds "interesting".
Quote from Nathan_French_14 :LOL, sorry but i just thought you said leopard spots....

No but seriously, sounds "interesting".

mhmm, something along these lines, although i'm thinking of shortening my hair to a medium length and i'm still undecided what to do about the fringe and well I dunno - but something along these lines is what i'm wanting to do:

not sure if this is on topic, but
i dont like seeing goths. they never talk anybody about anything, when they wear a t-shirt(guite rare tho) you see their hands full of scars and all that stuff... and also their clothing is a little strange looking. leather things, a truck load of blingbling things, also ive seen a man wearing womans shoes
Well I think your assuming goth and self harm are the same thing when really they aren't. I've dated a girl who self harmed, it was an experience I could only describe as 'emotionally challenging', especially when getting the blame for it when she's stood there covered in her own blood.

I also met a nice goth girl at the train station one day, she offered me help carrying my bicycle up the steps and we spent our journey chatting. She was too young to get her number but wonderfully outgoing despite her gothic appearance and thoroughly pleasant to talk too.

Which just shows how little can be judged from the cover of the book.