The online racing simulator
Bug Reports
(207 posts, closed, started )
Bug Reports

You can put here yours bugs reports.

I need:
- Lapper version
- Last errorlog entry
- An explanation on how i can reproduce the bug.
- The script if it's a personnal script who do the error

Thank's for your help

Lapper Version: 5.842c
Last Error Log:

6/18/2009 10:13:30 PM

Lapper Instance abort!

Es wurde versucht, eine Datei mit einem falschen Format zu laden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x8007000B)
bei Mono.Data.SqliteClient.Sqlite.sqlite3_open16(String dbname, IntPtr& handle)
bei Mono.Data.SqliteClient.SqliteConnection.Open()
bei LFSDbs.DbsAccess..ctor(Debug pmyDebug, String DbName) in D:\Dev\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper5.842\LFSLapper\src\Dbs\DbsAccess.cs:Zeile 45.
bei LFSDbs.gripDbs..ctor(Debug pmyDebug, String puniqueConnectionId, String DbName, Int32 LapTimeUsedForPbPar, String FtpServer, String FtpLogin, String FtpPasswd, String FtpRemotePath, String dateFormat) in D:\Dev\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper5.842\LFSLapper\src\Dbs\gripdbs.cs:Zeile 72.
bei LFSLapper.LFSClient.init(String pip, Int32 pport, String pWorkingDir, String pIniFile, String pSuperUsers) in D:\Dev\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper5.842\LFSLapper\src\LFSClient\lfsclient.cs:Zeile 553.
bei LFSLapper.LFSClient..ctor(String pip, Int32 pport, String pWorkingDir, String pInifile, String pSuperUsers) in D:\Dev\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper5.842\LFSLapper\src\LFSClient\lfsclient.cs:Zeile 249.
bei LFSLapper.LFSListen.Listen.goWorkMode() in D:\Dev\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper5.842\LFSLapper\src\LFSListen\Listen.cs:Zeile 82.
bei LFSLapper.LFSListen.Listen.startStbMode() in D:\Dev\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper5.842\LFSLapper\src\LFSListen\Listen.cs:Zeile 270.
Int32 sqlite3_open16(System.String, IntPtr ByRef)
Closing Instance...

Explanation: After starting Lapper.exe file and typing ingame !start, Lapper just restarts again in Standby. And this Error will produced.

Whats happening? I see in the Error D:\Dev..... <--- I dont have this folder.

Xcite | Fireball
Ok I changed all D:\DEV folder called in LFSlapper.pdb into the correct directory. But There's still an error:

6/19/2009 10:34:41 AM

Lapper Instance abort!

Es wurde versucht, eine Datei mit einem falschen Format zu laden. (Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x8007000B)
bei Mono.Data.SqliteClient.Sqlite.sqlite3_open16(String dbname, IntPtr& handle)
bei Mono.Data.SqliteClient.SqliteConnection.Open()
bei LFSDbs.DbsAccess..ctor(Debug pmyDebug, String DbName)
bei LFSDbs.gripDbs..ctor(Debug pmyDebug, String puniqueConnectionId, String DbName, Int32 LapTimeUsedForPbPar, String FtpServer, String FtpLogin, String FtpPasswd, String FtpRemotePath, String dateFormat)
bei LFSLapper.LFSClient.init(String pip, Int32 pport, String pWorkingDir, String pIniFile, String pSuperUsers)
bei LFSLapper.LFSClient..ctor(String pip, Int32 pport, String pWorkingDir, String pInifile, String pSuperUsers)
bei LFSLapper.LFSListen.Listen.goWorkMode()
bei LFSLapper.LFSListen.Listen.startStbMode()
Int32 sqlite3_open16(System.String, IntPtr ByRef)
Closing Instance...

For your information, im using Windows Server 2007
LFSlapper problem
HELLO Everybody
I have problem with my lfs lapper
when i start it lfslapper gives me error log
6/11/2009 3:30:31 PM

Lapper Instance abort!
The output byte buffer is too small to contain the encoded data, encoding 'US-ASCII' fallback 'System.Text.EncoderReplacementFallback'.
Parameter name: bytes
at System.Text.Encoding.ThrowBytesOverflow()
at System.Text.Encoding.ThrowBytesOverflow(EncoderNLS encoder, Boolean nothingEncoded)
at System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.GetBytes(Char* chars, Int32 charCount, Byte* bytes, Int32 byteCount, EncoderNLS encoder)
at System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.GetBytes(String chars, Int32 charIndex, Int32 charCount, Byte[] bytes, Int32 byteIndex)
at InSim.Encoder.ISI(String adminPass, Int32 portNum, Byte mciSeconds, String nameApp, Boolean local) in D:\Dev\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper5.840\LFSLapper\src\InSim4.cs:line 699
at InSim.Connect.insimConnectTCP(String host, Int32 port, String adminPassword, String mode, String nameApp, Boolean isLocal) in D:\Dev\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper5.840\LFSLapper\src\InSim4.cs:line 294
at InSim.Connect.insimConnect(String host, Int32 port, String adminPassword, String mode, String nameApp, Boolean isLocal, Boolean TCPmode) in D:\Dev\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper5.840\LFSLapper\src\InSim4.cs:line 255
at LFSLapper.LFSListen.Listen.openStbMode() in D:\Dev\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper5.840\LFSLapper\src\LFSListen\Listen.cs:line 98
at LFSLapper.LFSListen.Listen.startStbMode() in D:\Dev\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper5.840\LFSLapper\src\LFSListen\Listen.cs:line 197
at LFSLapper.LFSListen.Listen.start() in D:\Dev\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper5.840\LFSLapper\src\LFSListen\Listen.cs:line 153
Void ThrowBytesOverflow()"

can anybody help me?


Can you try in XP? Maybe An issue with sqlite dll

Quote from Gai-Luron :Hello,

Can you try in XP? Maybe An issue with sqlite dll


Ok thank you, it works on XP, so do you know any solutions that it works on Windows Server 2007 too?

Xcite | Fireball
Quote from fireb0llch :Ok thank you, it works on XP, so do you know any solutions that it works on Windows Server 2007 too?

Xcite | Fireball

Try to recompile LFSLapper using microsoft C# in windows server


You server pass is too big. you can have a pass less than 16 char.Insim restriction!!

Lapper 5.842c stopt on drift error
- Lapper version: 5.842c
- Last errorlog entry: (see below)

6/22/2009 2:39:23 PM -> SQL COMMAND :
UPDATE fi_driftpb SET nickName = '^7s0k3r ^1 ^3 ^1 ' ,nickNameStripped = 's0k3r ' ,driftPoints = 639,date ='2009/06/22',time = '14:39' WHERE idEpb = 2180

6/22/2009 2:39:23 PM

Lapper Instance abort!

unrecognized token: "'^7s0k3r ^1"
bij LFSDbs.DbsAccess.executeNonQuery2(String _command) in D:\Dev\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper5.842\LFSLapper\src\Dbs\DbsAccess.cs:regel 191
bij LFSDbs.DbsAccess.executeNonQuery(String _command) in D:\Dev\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper5.842\LFSLapper\src\Dbs\DbsAccess.cs:regel 152
bij LFSDbs.driftDbs.updateRow2(Boolean immediateUpload, String userName, String nickName, String carName, String trackName, DriverLapEntry driverLapInfo) in D:\Dev\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper5.842\LFSLapper\src\Dbs\driftdbs.cs:regel 248
bij LFSDbs.driftDbs.updateRow(Boolean immediateUpload, String userName, String nickName, String carName, String trackName, DriverLapEntry driverLapInfo) in D:\Dev\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper5.842\LFSLapper\src\Dbs\driftdbs.cs:regel 224
bij LFSDbs.driftDbs.updateRow(Boolean immediateUpload, infoPlayer currInfoPlayer, String trackName) in D:\Dev\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper5.842\LFSLapper\src\Dbs\driftdbs.cs:regel 212
bij LFSLapper.LFSClient.managePacket(LAP lapDec) in D:\Dev\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper5.842\LFSLapper\src\LFSClient\managePacket.cs:regel 289
bij LFSLapper.LFSClient.Loop(Connect insimConnection) in D:\Dev\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper5.842\LFSLapper\src\LFSClient\loop.cs:regel 913
bij LFSLapper.LFSClient.doloop() in D:\Dev\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper5.842\LFSLapper\src\LFSClient\lfsclient.cs:regel 625
bij LFSLapper.LFSListen.Listen.goWorkMode() in D:\Dev\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper5.842\LFSLapper\src\LFSListen\Listen.cs:regel 85
bij LFSLapper.LFSListen.Listen.startStbMode() in D:\Dev\DevInsim\lapper\LFSLapper5.842\LFSLapper\src\LFSListen\Listen.cs:regel 270
Int64 executeNonQuery2(System.String)
Closing Instance...

Fixed, take a look at the new release

Quote from Gai-Luron :Hello,

Fixed, take a look at the new release


Thanks for the new release.
Just updated my 5 server to it.

I've found one small thing in the previous releases.
When typing: stop "serverID" on Lapper console, the following is displayed on the LFS console: IS_MTC - could not find destination

Don't seem to be much of a problem but I still want you to inform you about it.
Quote from Gai-Luron :Try to recompile LFSLapper using microsoft C# in windows server


Sry.. but I really dont know how to compile with microsoft C# I tried it, but it always create an installation.exe file..
Can you please explain me?

open csproj with c# in src dir
type F6
Go to bin/release subfolder and get the new exe file


this msg is because i cut a little hardly Lapper server, but this no cause problem.
Do you take a look to the translation mode. If you have time to add it to your Scripts . Then i wrote french translation. Translation section must be in you script file it's better. Prefix each key with your own prefix to avoid conflict to other translation.
Ex: if you need a not allowed message in your pitboard script

notallowed = "You are not allowed";
better with
pitboard_notallowed = "You are not allowed";


Quote from Gai-Luron :@fireb0llch
open csproj with c# in src dir
type F6
Go to bin/release subfolder and get the new exe file


this msg is because i cut a little hardly Lapper server, but this no cause problem.
Do you take a look to the translation mode. If you have time to add it to your Scripts . Then i wrote french translation. Translation section must be in you script file it's better. Prefix each key with your own prefix to avoid conflict to other translation.
Ex: if you need a not allowed message in your pitboard script

notallowed = "You are not allowed";
better with
pitboard_notallowed = "You are not allowed";



hm.. thats weird, im opening this file on the root Server, push F6 but nothing happening... dont know why..
Do you look in folder i say to you?
yes, no new files were added there.
Try project->rebuild or something like
- Lapper version: 5.843

I worked all day yesterday on implementing the langengine into the Pitboard code.
After a hard day of work I fired it up last night and ran into some troubles.
I've fixed most of them but two things aren't working so far.

Maybe those things aren't bugs in the end but as far as I do know now, they are.

First thing is about putting some text+values in a variable, where the text should be extracted for the language engine:

Sub OnSpbSplit1_Pitboard() # Player event
### Set colors when current S1 is best S1 or within set limit of best S1 ###
IF ( GetCurrentPlayerVar("isBestSectorSplit1") == 1)
$Color_split1 = "^2";
SetCurrentPlayerVar("Lastsplit1_color","^1" );
IF ( GetCurrentPlayerVar( "lost_gained_messages" ) == "yes")
IF ( GetCurrentPlayerVar("Information_2") == "")
SetCurrentPlayerVar("Information_2", langEngine( "%{pitboard_gained_time}%") . NumToMSH(GetCurrentPlayerVar( "DiffSectorSplit1" )) );

Lang "EN"
pitboard_gained_time="^2you've gained^7: ";

But when the event is displayed it shows: [[TranslateEngine]]-0.07.11
While it should say: You've gained : -0.07.11


Second thing is about the same event but then with only text displayed.

### Text-mode when people choose not to use the Pitboard ###
IF ( GetCurrentPlayerVar("isBestSectorSplit1") == 1)
PrivMsg ( langEngine( "%{pitboard_text_current_sector_1}%") . $Color_split1 . NumToMSH(GetCurrentPlayerVar( "SectorSplit1" )) . langEngine( "%{pitboard_text_last_sector_1}%") . GetCurrentPlayerVar( "Lastsplit1_color" ) . GetCurrentPlayerVar( "Lastsplit1" ) . langEngine( "%{pitboard_text_best_sector_1}%") . NumToMSH(GetCurrentPlayerVar( "SectorSplit1" )) );
PrivMsg ( langEngine( "%{pitboard_text_current_sector_1}%") . $Color_split1 . NumToMSH(GetCurrentPlayerVar( "SectorSplit1" )) . langEngine( "%{pitboard_text_last_sector_1}%") . GetCurrentPlayerVar( "Lastsplit1_color" ) . GetCurrentPlayerVar( "Lastsplit1" ) . langEngine( "%{pitboard_text_best_sector_1}%") . NumToMSH(GetCurrentPlayerVar( "BestSectorSplit1" )) );

Lang "EN"
pitboard_text_current_sector_1="^7CS1: ";
pitboard_text_last_sector_1=" ^7| LS1: ";
pitboard_text_best_sector_1=" ^7| BS1: ";

All text parts coming from the language engine are displayed as: [[TranslateEngine]]


Third thing is about the button for text input.

### Set value (in milliseconds) when split has to be shown in yellow. ###
openPrivButton( "config_pb_split_setting_txt",$lr_coordinate+1,$tb_coordinate+51,48,5,5,-1,32,langEngine( "%{pitboard_config_yellow_split_setting}%") );
IF ( GetCurrentPlayerVar ("split_setting") == "")
openPrivTextButton( "config_pb_split_setting_value",$lr_coordinate+1,$tb_coordinate+56,48,5,5,32,langEngine( "%{pitboard_config_time_milliseconds_long}%"),langEngine( "%{pitboard_config_time_milliseconds_short}%"),5,config_pb_split_setting_value );
openPrivTextButton( "config_pb_split_setting_value",$lr_coordinate+1,$tb_coordinate+56,48,5,5,32,langEngine( "%{pitboard_config_time_milliseconds_long}%"),"^3".GetCurrentPlayerVar ("split_setting"),5,config_pb_split_setting_value );
### End ###

The button is working as intended but the title of the button is again displayed [[TranslateEngine]] (see screenshots below)
Attached images
pitboard_gained_time="^2you've gained^7: {0}";

When you use langEngine give one parameter for replacing {0}
langEngine( "%{pitboard_gained_time}%",NumToMSH(GetCurrentPlayerVar( "DiffSectorSplit1" ))

Lapper replace {0} in string with NumToMSH(GetCurrentPlayerVar( "DiffSectorSplit1" )

you can add more {0} {1}...{n} and give to langEngine the prarameter to be used for replace this. Take a look a LFSLapper.cfg, i use it in most case.

I think same issue for the rest of your exemple

Thanks for the quick answer, will take a look at it again.
Must admit I wanted to kill someone last night because of all the work done and the result not showing
But I will go on with the project
Well the results are even worse now and I decided to give up.
Maybe it's a good system for translations, but I seem to be too stupid to understand it.
Waste of time to get it all working in such a hugh and complicated script as the Pitboard.

give me you work done ( script file ) and i try to correct then and explain more to you. No you aren't stupid, it's a system like programmation similar to string.format in c#. A little time is needed to understand how it work . Don't worry, i am sure you understand quickly how is work

Quote from Gai-Luron :Try project->rebuild or something like

I just cant find any rebuild options here, look at my screeni
Attached images
it's not visual basic you need to use but visual c#
!drf table
Currently the !drf leaderboard table has smaller scores at top, with larger scores taking next positions.

This is wrong way round.

Can table be changed so largest score at top, then down in descending order?
Attached images
This thread is closed

Bug Reports
(207 posts, closed, started )