Thanks to you three above
Actually, I am not in need of doing anything if I am there, to just say "hi", chat some, drink some and be social with you people would be more than enough reason for me to come down there.
Oh god, I can immagine what horrifying gibberish english that might come out my mouth after some beers
Neverthless, I would be trilled if I would be able to make this. Lets say I somewhat manage to be down in england on friday evening, then we "cool" around and maybe chat some at the evening before bedtime. Then on saturday the long haunted and horryfing "LFS party of
DOOM" on some local pup down at your place. (By doom I mean of course nothing negative, but I can just immagine it would be a awesome evening for a lot of trashtalk and wasted faces around).
Thumbs up for the suggestion Becky, if work is sorted out, count me in