First I am not an AMG user and I didn’t like the racing there either (I wouldn’t say it is bad and I rather say I don’t like it, that engage only me), but it is not easy to run a busy server and I will always have respect for the ppls spending great amount of time trying to entertain the LFS community, it is not like they are making money out of it, it is their server and they can manage it the way they and their community likes it. I think it is very dangerous to start that kind of topic here since we have seen many times what’s happened, there will always be unhappy ppls and they tend to be the first posters to reply. I would rather see constructive suggestions to improve things than free critics (good or bad), keep in mind that it is not possible to satisfy everyone, so if you don’t like a server why spend time racing on it if in the end you have to spend time trying to make them look bad here.
There are many different ppls who likes different things in LFS, we need to respect that and if we don’t like something I believe the best way to show it is to avoid racing there. The problem is that many ppls want to race where it is busy and expect everybody to race exactly the way they like it, there are many servers and teams, just find the ones you like and keep it to that…
Also I want to say that a bit of solidarity between the teams wouldn’t hurt anyone and I believe that jealousy is not helping our cause (revenge will always be around the corner), personally I am always happy to see a new team getting some results from their hard work… So GO GO GO AMG, keep doing what you’re doing and try to improve where you can!