The online racing simulator
Quote from 5tag :I have a rather stupid question: What exactly is an image tag?

If I release a skin I post hyperlinks as my attachment space is heavily limited here(with a bit of luck it's enough for a skin both 2048²px and 1024²px and a preview picture). Should I post just the link instead?

If you put the direct link to an image between [img] [/ img] tags (without the space) then the image will load on the page. Instead of having lots of large images load, if people post links then they can just be cloicked on to view the image.

Do post a link like :
Do not put the link in [img] tags.
Quote :And another question:
I have a skin now that I announced releasing but there is a little place that is insanely hard to skin now so even though it's a WIP it is in fact as good as finished.
So may I use it? I would apply the livery onto 2 other cars and for the sake of fairness I would enter the skins in half of the time (one week for the design and one for the first skin).

If you have not previously released the skin then it will be vaild as long as you convert the design for the other cars.
#27 - 5tag
Wow, that was a fast reply, thanks!

Great news! I mean it's quite unfair that's why I will enter the competition within two weeks.

Thanks again!
Quote from 5tag :Wow, that was a fast reply, thanks!
Great news! I mean it's quite unfair that's why I will enter the competition within two weeks.
Thanks again!

Hope it has clarrified it all for you and yes, boredom at work leads to quick responses lol.
Demo doesn't have "hotlapping" mode. Does it??
I don't have any possibility but I will try it hehe

One question, the faster laps done with the tourisms use manual clutch, is legal? Second question, the xrg wr use hybrid tyres, legal too? thx

Can we use the last test patch?
Quote from DaveJ :Demo doesn't have "hotlapping" mode. Does it??

this competition would be a fail if it didn't

Nice one to give away s2 licences !!
#33 - A121
that means we don't have any chances
#34 - 5tag
Quote from A121 :that means we don't have any chances

You could make a skin.^^
Yes, even in demo you can use hotlap mode.

Quote from asdfasdf :I don't have any possibility but I will try it hehe

One question, the faster laps done with the tourisms use manual clutch, is legal? Second question, the xrg wr use hybrid tyres, legal too? thx

Can we use the last test patch?

As long as the lap is a valid HLVC lap use whatever set up you like whether it be keyboard, mouse, wheel, manual gears, automatic. The purpose is to find someone who is a quick racer and give them a S2 licence.
Am i able to join this competition? I just found LFS today and registered today, so I missed the join date.

#37 - SamH
Let's be clear about this, these competitions are for demo racers to win an S2 licence, not for S2 licenced racers to win a 2nd S2 licence.

If you're an S2 licence holder, masquerading as a demo racer in order to enter a competition to win another S2 licence, I'd consider that to be a SERIOUS breach of forum rules. Not only will your demo licence be banned from the forum (ONE account per user!!) but YOU deserve a ban on your S2 account AS WELL!

So, guys, STOP creating demo accounts in order to cheat. We are watching, and unless you plan on moving house and changing IPs, there's a damn good chance we'll FIND you, if we go looking.
(carey) DELETED by carey
#38 - SamH
Quote from carey :I thought transferring the original account to someone else would be most frowned upon.

Licenses are not transferable. This competition is for a non-S2 racer to win an upgrade from demo to S2. Greboth's intention is clear.
Quote from carey :BTW; why did the guy before get an immediate ban after one post? Was it due to something previous?

Because he is already S2-licensed on another username. I know this because I have super powers
Is it a bird? is it a plain? No its........ Supersam

Just to really double what sam said. If you register an account after my original post you cannot enter anyway. However if you already have S2 and have an old demo account please do not try to use it to get a second licence. My objective is to give demo users the chance to get a licence NOT to give a second licence to someone.

Thanks, Greboth.
It's starting to anoy me really much, these people creating demo users to get a lisence, even if they are S2.

To you people, I want just to say this : It's selfish and it's egoistic.
Why you do it, I don't know, what shal you do with a lisence? Give it a friend or something? Maybe that is a good thing, but then you should rather buy your friend a lisence or get him to buy one himselfe, if they are even too lazy to be a part of the forum and write a post for themself they are not worthy a lisence. Give the people that actually takes the time to join in with their real demo profiles a chance, instead of trying to be selfish and win an "easy" lisence.
Im not sure but forum administrators should see IP addresses for all users. So maybe liek this its possible to detect any S2'er.

Ive had a forum and and basically i saw users IP addresses.
Yeah, most forums have this opertunity, but anyone with some knowlege can easly manipulate / change or find a work around to the IP thingy. Luckely the joined date tells some info too.
Well, thanks to The Very End, I don't need to compete any more.

What a dude.
well... better fire up photoshop and start running laps around blackwood.

Oh Yes. So we have the same design over all of the cars we skin?
Quote from ethan520 :well... better fire up photoshop and start running laps around blackwood.

Oh Yes. So we have the same design over all of the cars we skin?

Quote :Skins must be in a set (same design across the 3 cars)

So was he drunk again? NOOO! It's much easier to get a license from TVE, hahaha.

Will have a better chance at skinning probably, but I will also try to get the fastest hotlap.
Me drunk? Never!
However, congratulation Madcat, make me proud and enjoy the lisence

OnlyRider - Go for it boy! Now it's less people in the competition and you have a bigger chance to win!
Quote from MadCat360 :Well, thanks to The Very End, I don't need to compete any more.

What a dude.

Say thx to me as well, I recommended you to him in his last giveaway-thread.
(carey) DELETED by carey
i gona need to practice a lot. xfg ~ 1:37: xx <- is this a good average time on blackwood GP ?