I am curious to see just what happens when the update comes out. Not just to the game but also to the way people complain about the game and what is it they'll complain about.
Some users seem to have really strange problems like: clutch overheat on one start, can't brake stand, unable to get lift off oversteer, etc. None of which I have ever had to deal with since I first played the demo. I've had the pleasure of owning a DFP, and playing since s2 patch U (about 2 years) and all this still boggles my mind as to how these things can't be done when I had done them my self and never had any problems doing them.
I'm not quite defending the old physics, but in a way am. However, it is very tempting to call BS on all of that which has been mentioned and more that I have not. Really, I am questioning the complaints/complainers on this subject.
My impression is (exageration): now, "people" (not all) think with the new physics they'll be able to get lift-off oversteer with a locked differential and really stiff suspension, regardless of hearing that the unloaded(less loaded) inside tires will now have more grip.
All I can do is wait. And i just cant wait.