The online racing simulator
Lost connection!
(25 posts, started )
#1 - F-man
Lost connection!
I have problems with my connection, about few times in hour i lose my connection?

I have latest version/patch of the game, win2000, 512/512 ADSL, powerful PC and enough memori and so on.

My firewall is set to allow all with LFS.EXE.

I dont have any problems with any other game or program, only with LFS.

Any ideas?

Quote from F-man :Hi!
I have problems with my connection, about few times in hour i lose my connection?

I have latest version/patch of the game, win2000, 512/512 ADSL, powerful PC and enough memori and so on.

My firewall is set to allow all with LFS.EXE.

I dont have any problems with any other game or program, only with LFS.

Any ideas?


sounds good so far..maybe its on your isp or the choise of server you live in europe and should take server that are located in europe as well to prevent time outs and high pings. At the end a lot of things could force a time out or connection loss and there is no gernral answer for this.
#3 - F-man
Last time that i lost connection was in finnish server so that cant be the reason.

What do you mean by isp, dont understand?

So there is no "server options" or something like that in the game?

well as i said, many things can force time outs and losing connection...i just tried to give you an example what it could be..not should be.

ISP: Internet Service Provider...the guys who make it possible for you to go online you know :P

Myself got seriously timeouts in the last 2 months as well, i tried everything to figure out what it could drivers...IRQ sharing... TCP and UDP packets i dont have a clue what it is. As i changed from onboard NIC to a PCI NIC the Problem changed from "time out" to "lost connection to host". We are also not alone with this problem, many ppl at the time got problems like this.

maybe its on the peer-to-peer system i dont know.

This seems more related to ISP(Internet service provider)issue.Some ISP provide bad quality of connection(loosing packets,blocking from time to time UDP packets).Generally some ISP shape packets in a really bad manners.
It has nothing to do with the speed of your connection.
#6 - F-man
Ok, but howcome I have problems only with LFS and not with other games at all?

Quote from F-man :Ok, but howcome I have problems only with LFS and not with other games at all?

Because it depend on the netcode.LFS netcode might seems more sensitive but its the best around.
#8 - F-man
Damn, so what should I do?

pray :bowdown:

:jawdrop: :Eyecrazy: :bluegrab:
Quote from DEVIL 007 :Because it depend on the netcode.LFS netcode might seems more sensitive but its the best around.

well its not the best that case we would not started this tread or am i wrong?

as far as i know for now, lfs is a bit different to games like QIII, nascar racing or simular games. Those games offers a server from where the clients are lag only for themselves and do not affect others connections.
Lfs is a bit different because the Server only syncs the players to a proper level. Now if someone with a bad connection joins this level goes down and everybody is laggy. Simple describtion and hopefully correct explained somehow
I have always dropped my firewall protection-level by one (from home to office in F-secure), but I just heard that you dont have to do that if your LFS.EXE is allowed to make connection both ways, hope you understand what I mean.

Could this coas that problem? Or am I just stupid?

should work this way...should...but i dont know that firewall so im not sure.
I've had the same thing. When people say "a server with a good PING", what do they mean? I know what a PING is but what's good? Less than 100? Less than 10? I've been disconnected from servers which report a PING of 30-40 on the list page. Most games seem OK with anything up to 150 for me.

My firewall has been told to allow LFS to connect and accept connections freely, it works mostly, so I'm assuming I don't need to 'Port Forward'. My connection seems quite stable, I thought I was doing something wrong and getting thrown out but it seems this game is more sensitive than most.
I would say, everything less than 100 is ok.
But of course, the less, the better.
mmmm i've just recently started having the same problem.
tonight i've been racing and i loose everything, but can go straight back to master server and reconnect.
becoming very frustrating

btw i'm with and never had a problem before!!!
I didn't mind tonight, when I was in second and the guy in first got disconnected so I won. OK, I'd like to win because I drove better but it's a start...
exactely the same ****in problem i been having for quite sometimes now... i been posting threads about it but some smartasses here just show up to say " hey everythin is fine for me" no shit it's fine for you ? ... how about people who got the same god dam problem since the new series of patches ??? howcome i've never had any problem till the new patch ?? howcome all my ****in games run great but LFS ??? come on now , the devs should talke a closer look at this issue... somethin's definatlly went wrong about the notecode since the patches...

well u understand im so ****in pissed off and i cant have a peacefull race anymore...
my problems have only started since the latest patch, could be coincidence, i'll try again later on.
the only puzzling thing is the time to the connection being dropped isn't constant.....
found my problem...
just checked and found the reason

BT are upto their usual tricks
What is BT?

BT is British Telecom, bunch of *?!!?***?!!
Could SpySweeper coas that problem?
This morning I playd about halfhour without problems when SpySweeper was shut down.

Quote from F-man :Could SpySweeper coas that problem?
This morning I playd about halfhour without problems when SpySweeper was shut down.


Its nice to seem you might found the problem.ITs known some "firewalls" or similar programs corrupt packets and also NVIDIA Firewall software which you can install with Nforce4 chipsets.
Four hours online and NO PROBLEMS AT ALL!

It was definatly Spysweeper that was coasing the problem!
I´m so happy!


Lost connection!
(25 posts, started )