Actually, I like it. I mean, the new look of NFS. EA Games screwed up when they released three consecutive bad games, one worse than the other: NFS Carbon, NFS ProStreet and NFS Undercover.
Now, the menus of the game look cool, graphics are definitely a lot be better, damage could be better but still seems to be a huge improvement over their last game's damage model, physics seem playable and fun*, the ability to customize the interior gets my interest, and car selection looks good until now, even though there are some cars I'm missing in this game, such as the old Mustang GT.
Not a must buy for me, but unless they do something really stupid to screw everything up again, I'm seriously thinking of getting it. (aka purchasing it)
* Not so much realistic or simulation alike though. But I don't care about ultra simulation realistic handling in a NFS, all I care is about fun and being playable! The three last NFS, specially NFS ProStreet, were not playable at all. Of course I don't like it going
too much arcade, but as long as it looks at least "passable" on the physics part, and it's fun, that's ok for me, and until now it does look like that.
Edit: :doh:
I had seen all videos, and when I got to the half of the last video, I paused it. I came here to write this post, sent it and then got back to see the end of that video.
Well.... when I pressed "play", drift mode started. I think I don't need to say anything else.