You guys are talking like the only alternative to health insurance companies deciding who gets treated is someone in congress or in government deciding instead.
50 million WORKING Americans have inadequate or NO access to health care. I don't give a damn what politics you believe in, if you think that THAT is acceptable - in a modern society, supposedly leading the world in all good things - then I have news for you; you have absolutely NO concept of "a caring society", and you're living in a backward-facing third-world country. The rest of us (outside of certain middle-eastern, African and the poorest of South American countries) have built better "societies" than that, and a "society" that allows that is no "society" at all! And it's pants. Seriously.
We don't trust our British government as far as we could throw a fit. It has NOTHING to do with whether we have faith in our healthcare system. THAT is charged with saving lives where it can, treating illnesses, fixing bones and the rest, rich or poor. A life has the value of exactly one life.
And there is not, and never WAS, any suggestion that illegal immigrants would EVER receive cover in the US. There is no provision for illegals to receive health care in the US, in ANY of the proposed healthcare reforms. Period. But in the UK we DO treat illegal immigrant Americans. I know because I've seen it. And ya know what? Nobody gave a damn! Oh poor tax payers, accidentally saving an occasional "undeserving life" out of the tens of millions of people treated annually. Poor us!
Bottom line is that there is a mean streak that runs through the US, which is peculiar to the US. I've never visited or lived in a society quite as mealy-mouthed and unkind as the US, and I wouldn't ever choose to again.
Geez, get a grip and learn to give a damn about your fellow human being. Caring Christian society? You MUST be joking!