The online racing simulator
What kind of team are you looking for? Race, Want to complete the whole GTAL and other supporting events.
Country: England
Preferred Car/Track: FZR/BL1R- set 1:11:25 on there which was 0:00:32 of fastest lap in GTAL.
How Active Are You?4+hours a day
What Kind of Control do you use? DFP
Time Zone: GMT

Looking for a supportive team that are entering big leagues or who are looking to enter into them. furthermore looking to gain more expierence under my belt.


I think if you put FZ2 instead of FZR people will be more quickly impressed good luck with finding a new team.

FZ2 ? is that meant to be funny ?
Quote from livefornow :FZ2 ? is that meant to be funny ?

It's what some people (and trackers) refer to a FZR-GT2 as for shorthand.

He's pointing out that your time in a FZR unrestricted is slow for GT1 (which most people will assume when they see FZR), though obviously that is not really what you mean to be telling people since you mention GTAL.
Oo yes sorry its GT2 time
What kind of team are you looking for? Race
Age: 26
Country: Sweden
Preferred Car/Track: Most cars
Average Laptime on Your Preferred Car/Track:
How Active Are You? 2-3 hours a day
What Kind of Control do you use? Fanatec GT3 RS
Time Zone: GMT +1
Check PMs
Lol yep check pm's
#586 - CSF
Some kind of 'all hail turbofreak'?
Quote from mamoru :Some kind of 'all hail turbofreak'?

Naw, more like seeing who will be disappointed when turbofreak doesn't choose any of them
#589 - CSF
He hasn't.
Turbofreak is SR now
Quote from MoMo92i :Turbofreak is SR now

Well, he drives around with a green username, and that I think means it´s only trialmembership atm.
#592 - CSF
Not like that will last long though.
What kind of team are you looking for? Drift,and pro racing but fun
preferred car: RB4/Blackwood GP Track
Average Laptime on Preferred Car/Track:FXR/South City sprint 1, 0:50.02
How active are you?about 1/3 hours a day
What kind of control do you use?ps2 controller
time zone:Australia, Vic, EST
how is yer timezone est thats east northamerica... you live in austrailia.
He means AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time) Which is GMT+10 unless you live in Queensland then its +9 cause they dont adopt the Daylight savings.
Quote from JPeace :well then, use your brain, its not hard is it?

Right I knew there was another EST.... sheesh chill. I have a brain and its probably used more then yours as you can see I live in the USA, also I dont give a hoot for pissy and moody people like you. Peace! and take some of those icecubes the doctor subscribes.
Wow, what a comment. I live in the USA too, but I hate to tell you, there's alot less brains being used in the US than you think. But then again, that huge superiority complex that alot of people have over here makes them think that they're smart.

Jeez, some people should only open their mouths to change feet.
What kind of team are you looking for?
An established racing team, with a fun yet 'professional' attitude towards simracing. My overall aim is to race in some of the 'prestige' leagues that LFS has to offer so I'd like to join a team that can assist me with this ambition.
Old enough
United Kingdom
Preferred Car/Track:
Varies, I like to drive the FOX in pick-up racing (FOX Junkies) but have been driving with the FXR heavily for the past few weeks (GTAL and GTCC). I am happy to learn and drive any car you put me in.
Average Laptime on Your Preferred Car/Track:
Not the fastest but always willing to learn.
How Active Are You?
Again this varies due to commitments at home although I would class myself as active. I normally have a dabble everyday, this increases if I have an event to practice for, then I may never see the light of day.
What Kind of Control do you use?
Logitech G25
Time Zone:
Scott I like FOX pickup races too. Very fun. A little too many people at FM tho... too many wrecks.
What kind of team are you looking for?
Race: Any team willing to bring me up to speed and that participates in leagues.
US (represents China in leagues)
Preferred Car/Track:
GT2 GTRs and FWD GTs.
Average Laptime on Your Preferred Car/Track:
Depends on how much I have time to practice. Can be anywhere from WR +2 to WR +4. But normally on the slower side. Of course I'm willing to learn to improve my pace
How Active Are You?
Again this varies due to commitments at college although I would class myself as active. I usually race atleast 30 minutes everyday online or offline. This does improve a lot when I'm in events and leagues
What Kind of Control do you use?
Logitech G25
Time Zone:
-5 GMT

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