The online racing simulator
Tire replacing in the pits
(6 posts, started )
Tire replacing in the pits
I think the "Change tires" setting should be only possible to set to "yes" or "no", because in real world, your pit crew can't tell exactly, in percent, how much your tires are worn.

You will actually find out that if you always do planned pitstops, there isn't any point of this. I'll try to explain. If you pit with 50 % ware, and 60 % setting, and your tires don't get replaced, and load fuel for 50 laps, you must do another pit stop before you run out of fuel, and that will mean taking even more fuel on board, which will mean more tire wear and less speed, etc. So it will be faster to always replace your tires, and just calculate your fuel well.
I also agree, but a option to set witch tyres to replace also would be usefull.

If you wear one tyre due to a small damage on suspension, it would be usefull to change that tyre only, not all four(shorter time in pit)
Pitting in general needs a lot of work done.
Yes, I would also like pre-race settings (maybe in the setup) for what to do at every pit stop.
Quote from Ivo Georgiev :Yes, I would also like pre-race settings (maybe in the setup) for what to do at every pit stop.

Problem with that is in longer races pit strategies rarely play out exactly as planned and need to be refined on the go.

I agree the current way of changing pit strategies on the fly is difficult though, but it can be made easier by scripts and possible at some point someone might write a useful insim app to handle pit strategies on the fly.

I would like to see additional outgauge packets to help in producing a virtual race engineer app, if tyre data and suspension damage could be sent to a virtual race engineer app via outgauge, the app could calculate pit strategies accordingly and then alter your pit strategy on the fly via scripts, along with informing you when to pit via a system message.
and tyres changing needs to be faster. The current system changes the tyres one at the time, I think changing two tyres at a time for road cars/touring cars/certain single seaters and four tyres at a time for F1 would be more relisitc,

Tire replacing in the pits
(6 posts, started )