The solution I like is to allow a set lap time threshold.
For example the drivers personal best time must be 105% of WR time or the fastest driver time in the race. I think there used to be a rule like this in F1.
Or use qualifying time or hotlap etc. Too bad simgle player race times arent logged.
Then if too slow you would recive a mesage "Too slow please practice more" and then get moved to spectate.
I am of course speculating that the crashers arent very fast. But I think that is probably correct.
Some of the funnest races I have had were with mixed car races. With the beginners in say, UF1 and experienced drivers in BF1.
So if you could set up:
Allow BF1 if PB > 105%
Allow FOX if PB > 120%
My 2 cents.
(Oh, and bring back the old F08! The new update totaly destroyed it
For example the drivers personal best time must be 105% of WR time or the fastest driver time in the race. I think there used to be a rule like this in F1.
Or use qualifying time or hotlap etc. Too bad simgle player race times arent logged.
Then if too slow you would recive a mesage "Too slow please practice more" and then get moved to spectate.
I am of course speculating that the crashers arent very fast. But I think that is probably correct.
Some of the funnest races I have had were with mixed car races. With the beginners in say, UF1 and experienced drivers in BF1.
So if you could set up:
Allow BF1 if PB > 105%
Allow FOX if PB > 120%
My 2 cents.
(Oh, and bring back the old F08! The new update totaly destroyed it