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Poll : Man-made Global Warming (AGW) Your confidence in the science:

-5 : AGW denier
-3 : Reasonably suspicious
-4 : Very suspicious
+3 : Reasonably confident
0 : Undecided
-2 : Moderately suspicious
+4 : Very confident
+5 : AGW believer
-1 : Slightly suspicious
+2 : Moderately confident
+1 : Tending towards confidence
Quote from Shotglass :1) just because one institute produces bad data doesnt suddenly debunk the entire science behind it
especially if we still have venus right there telling you everything you need to know about co2 rich atmospheres and why you wouldnt want to create one
2) speaking of trillions isnt enitrely blown out of proportion then? have you got any numbers to back the claim of it being about trillions up?

also for crying out loud a few guys fiddled with data presumably to help their phd thesis... clearly a true scandal because that never happened before on a daly basis ever

You clearly have absolutely no idea what is going on, or the implications it is having. This was a University research group of international acclaim, who's findings formed the basis for a lot of predictions we hear. It's not just 'a few guys fiddling with data to help their phd', and if you think that you must be truly ignorant.

Whilst this scandal explodes around us, the BBC finds time to publish on it's website the most laughable piece of journalism I've ever seen.

Which proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that global warming is causing the wars in Africa. And Darfur's troubles are caused by CO2...
Quote from mookie427 :if you think that you must be truly ignorant.

so... how much time have you spent working in any sort of scientific field?
#53 - 5haz
Quote from boothy :You on Mars? What has watching BBC news and looking at the BBC website got to do with paying your TV licence?

Because a certain someone brought it up (I'll let you guess who that is). If you had read the thread properly you might have realised that, but of course not. :rolleyes:

Thats not the point, you may be frced to pay the license, but you are not forced to watch the BBC as far as I'm aware.
Yeah I don't know about the whole BBC thing, but I find it despicable that these "scientists" refused to let peer-review do it's job and instead hid the science behind their campaign.

This is a pretty picture from one scientist:

The Earth will continue to warm up and cool down just like it has for all of time. It may, possibly, get hot enough that one day the sea levels rise noticeably. Whoop dee frigging do. Go live on a hill if it scares you that much (it doesn't even have to be a big one, 5 feet will have you covered until the continent sinks into oblivion!). It won't get so hot that all life will be extinguished.

Regardless of how you believe the Earth came into being, either by happenstance or God's hand, there are safeguards in place to prevent this kind of thing. Wondrous, effective and battle-tested safeguards. Like algae, being the number one CO2 scrubbing machine.
The DailyMail is now running this is as it's headline story on it's intrawebanet page. The Daily Mail people!!!! lol The Daily Mail - the people's paper!
#56 - SamH
Strangely, its angle isn't about Climategate at all, but an attack on the BBC's Paul Hudson, who blew the whistle on climate change on the BBC's website long before The Mail caught on. I wonder why that is.

And the report is incorrect. Paul Hudson was only forwarded the emails that referred to himself. He wasn't sent the entire archive, as The Mail says. But telling that truth wouldn't suit their purpose, would it, since they're (a bit like you) just keen to trash the BBC.
#57 - 5haz
See, the news companies we don't have to pay TV licenses to fund are just as biased, if not more biased than the BBC. So the BBC can't really be singled as being really biased, especially by the likes of the Daily Mail, thats just hypocritical.
#58 - SamH
For now, I'm sticking mostly with the Blogosphere. It gets its hits and builds its reputation by delivering good analysis and detailed objectivity.
Quote from 5haz :See, the news companies we don't have to pay TV licenses to fund are just as biased, if not more biased than the BBC. So the BBC can't really be singled as being really biased, especially by the likes of the Daily Mail, thats just hypocritical.

The Daily Mail can be as biased as they want (we live in a free country) as they don't come knocking at my door if I don't pay their subscription fee threatening me with fines, possibly jail. The BBC should not be bias in any shape or form. As soon as it is it's over stepping it's remit and it becomes an abuse of power. If your so happy having bias state controlled broadcasters I suggest you move to N Korea... I am sure you'll love it there!
#60 - SamH
Quote from Phil Jones, head of UEA CRU :At 09:41 AM 2/2/2005, Phil Jones wrote:

I presume congratulations are in order - so congrats etc !
Just sent loads of station data to Scott. Make sure he documents everything better this time ! And don't leave stuff lying around on ftp sites - you never know who is
trawling them. The two MMs[*] have been after the CRU station data for years. If they ever hear there is a Freedom of Information Act now in the UK, I think I'll delete the file rather than send to anyone. Does your similar act in the US force you to respond to enquiries within 20 days? - our does ! The UK works on precedents, so the first request will test it. We also have a data protection act, which I will hide behind. Tom Wigley has sent me a worried email when he heard about it - thought people could ask him for his model code. He has retired officially from UEA so he can hide behind that. IPR should be relevant here, but I can see me getting into an argument with someone at UEA who'll say we must adhere to it !

*The Wall Street Journal notes that the “two MMs” are Stephen McIntyre and Ross McKitrick, two Canadians who spent years and years seeking the raw data used in climate graphs.

The Wall Street Journal editorial page concludes that “. . . we do now have hundreds of emails that give every appearance of testifying to concerted coordinated efforts by leading climatologists to fit the data to their conclusions while attempting to silence and discredit their critics."
#61 - SamH
Quote from SamH :More fun..

On a related note, we've got David Jones, head of the climate division of the Australian Bureau of Meterology (BOM) in communications with Phil Jones over Steve McIntyre and Climate Audit.

Phil says...

Quote :1. Think I’ve managed to persuade UEA to ignore all further FOIA requests if the people have anything to do with Climate Audit.
2. Had an email from David Jones of BMRC, Melbourne. [EMAIL NOT FOUND IN CRU EMAILS – Willis] He said they are ignoring anybody who has dealings with CA, as there are threads on it about Australian sites.
3. CA is in dispute with IPCC (Susan Solomon and Martin Manning) about the availability of the responses to reviewer’s at the various stages of the AR4 drafts. They are most interested here re Ch 6 on paleo.

It may be nothing, but then again, it may be something.
Quote from Intrepid are forced by law to pay for the BBC .....!!

No you're not. You have a choice as to whether to own equipment capable of recieving live broadcasts from the BBC.

No TV etc, (which plenty of people don't have), and there is no requirement to pay the licence fee. There are alternative ways to obtain news of current events, should you choose to use them.

So if you feel so strongly about the BBC not being of a standard that you expect as a tax payer then choose with your feet and go somewhere else.

It is after all a capitalist state, (which you love so dearly), that we live in, you have that power.
I hear Alan is setting up his own version of the BBC. It'll be funded by money from go-karting and will only report on things to do with go-karting. Lewis Hamilton's latest hair style (one thing he's improved in his time in F1!!) will be big news. Global warming will only be reported on if it influences Buckmore Park.
Quote from Shotglass :so... how much time have you spent working in any sort of scientific field?

That is totally irrelevant. Judging by the replies you've left here you have obviously done no research into what is going on at the CRU regarding these emails.

The Daily Mail and Channel 4 have been the only organisations to give adequate reporting to this scandal, but I am sticking firmly to the blogosphere like others have said.
Quote from tristancliffe :I hear Alan is setting up his own version of the BBC. It'll be funded by money from go-karting and will only report on things to do with go-karting. Lewis Hamilton's latest hair style (one thing he's improved in his time in F1!!) will be big news. Global warming will only be reported on if it influences Buckmore Park.

#64 posts in and only now do we get an intrepid bash that somehow involves karting.

You could have at least tried to make it witty and funny. That's even a low standard for you Tristan.
Quote from gezmoor :It is after all a capitalist state, (which you love so dearly), that we live in, you have that power.

We have a national health service, have a massive welfare system, social housing, large portions of the banking system has been nationalised, and we have a public funded TV broadcastor. We do NOT live in a capitalist state! It's some weird merging of socialistic principles and capatilistic undertones. ONly a fool would dare to suggest we live in a capitalist state.

I can not freakin' wait until the introduce an Internet licence (along with an internet regulator)! That day can't come quick enough. See how happy some of you are then when you can't enjoy all your blogs etc....
Quote from SamH :More fun.. sounds like the New Zealand CRU have been caught massaging data and are using the now-questionable "peer reviewed method" excuses. ... e-temperature-faking.html

my my, this story keeps getting bigger...I wonder how long the BBC (among others) will keep acting like it doesn't exist.

On a related note, can we keep personal bitch-fights between Intrepid and tristan etc out of this thread?
Quote from mookie427 :On a related note, can we keep personal bitch-fights between Intrepid and tristan etc out of this thread?

hehe I'll sign up for that!

The BBC aint gonna publish jack diddly squat until the story is so big it's impossible to hide. Mind you they failed to actually state the QE program by the BoE is increasing the money supply by much more than 200bn when it's gone through the fractional reserve banking system we have in the UK. But ssssshhhhh.... don't say that out loud!
#70 - 5haz
Quote from Intrepid :The Daily Mail can be as biased as they want (we live in a free country) as they don't come knocking at my door if I don't pay their subscription fee threatening me with fines, possibly jail. The BBC should not be bias in any shape or form. As soon as it is it's over stepping it's remit and it becomes an abuse of power. If your so happy having bias state controlled broadcasters I suggest you move to N Korea... I am sure you'll love it there!

there is a difference between being happy and apathetic, I am the latter.

In North Korea information is forced upon the people, while here I have the choice to regard and ignore whatever I want, and I exersice that right frequently. When are you going to realise this thickshit?

Quote from Intrepid :#64 posts in and only now do we get an intrepid bash that somehow involves karting.

Oh for goodness sake, just piss off you attention whore, you are not the centre of this forum, although judging by the way you hijack threads and attempt to hold the floor with the same repetetive shit, you consider yourself to be exactly that.

You are the only person on this forum that actually makes me physically angry whenever you grace us with your shitty presence, of course the admins will do absolutely **** all about you.

Go to hell, you might find someone who likes you there.

There you go troll, you've got a rise out of somebody, now **** off somewhere else.
5haz you're looking a lot worse than Intrepid here....

You both have differing opinions, that is fine. Just don't turn one of the most interesting topics on this board in a long time into a personal grudge match.
Quote from mookie427 :...

Mookie it's the same in most threads. A group of em follow me in and start trash talking calling me a troll etc... Just ignore it.

5Haz talks about his 'right' to ignore the BBC or whatever yet he doesn't use his freedom to put me on his ignore list. A simple 2 minute job to do. I suggest he should then he wouldn't get so irate.
Quote from 5haz :You are the only person on this forum that actually makes me physically angry whenever you grace us with your shitty presence, of course the admins will do absolutely **** all about you.

You have some serious problems if you actually get angry about forum posts, tbh.
Quote from Intrepid :
5Haz talks about his 'right' to ignore the BBC or whatever yet he doesn't use his freedom to put me on his ignore list. A simple 2 minute job to do. I suggest he should then he wouldn't get so irate.

one would think he hasn't blocked you because he intentionally wants to cause friction

*edit* back on topic, I wonder how many people have complained to the BBC about the lack of coverage...I shall be watching News Watch with great interest this week and if there is no mention of it on that well, that is shameful.
#75 - 5haz
Quote from Intrepid :Mookie it's the same in most threads. A group of em follow me in and start trash talking calling me a troll etc... Just ignore it.

I was in this thread before you, as is the case with most threads you piss on.

Why does nobody seem to notice that everyone can have a civil conversation until you turn up, then it turns into trash talking.

Quote from mookie427 :one would think he hasn't blocked you because he intentionally wants to cause friction

Yeah because I want someone to get shot of him, because leaving him alone to be an arse just annoys me. Have you not noticed that I was having a perfectly normal discussion until he showed up, of course not. Typical spouting judgements on people without actually reading the thread.

Quote from Intrepid :5Haz talks about his 'right' to ignore the BBC or whatever yet he doesn't use his freedom to put me on his ignore list. A simple 2 minute job to do. I suggest he should then he wouldn't get so irate.

Could say the same for you, why don't you **** off and put me back on your ignore list, I know why, because you got bored of not having people to troll.

If I put you on my ignore list, that wont change the fact that you'll still be here, which will bug me. Unlike the BBC on TV, I can't turn you off (or find you and hit you with a shovel until you shut up).

Perhaps you should stop and have a think about why you have a crowd of people trash talking you, these things happen for a reason.

Think of it this way, If Insipid wasn't here, I wouldn't be acting like this, If I wasn't here, Insipid would still be acting in the same self righteous, misguided, repetetive and delusional way.

Think about that, then decide whos to blame.