It' s annoying that other sims seem so unsatisfactory after just a month's trial of iRacing.
Question is though: how much of this is just the bumps on tracks that give the sense of speed and immersion? After all, this is apparently what Dave Kaemmer said (from the transcript of the iRacing court case against a Nascar Racing 2003 modder):
"The question that was asked of DK was very simple, "How much of the original NR2003 code remains in the iRacing software?"
DK responded with, "I do not know exactly, but I estimate 65% is unaltered NR2003 code"
Tim R's lawyer asked, "So why do you state as little as 1% to the media and on your own site?"
DK responds with, "We tell the public and media a different number"
Tim R's lawyer asked, "Why would you do that?"
DK responds with, "We do not want our customers to know or they may not buy our product". ... &t=15174&start=15
That said, the cars feel pretty good to me.
But IMO, that quote doesn't inspire confidence nor does it feel good investing in a dishonest, largely money grabbing operation.
But ISI games -dammit- feel like floating on a sheet of ice with not tyre-road contact at all after 1 month of iRacing! And the LFS's developers' precious approach to their sponsored hobby means no realistic chance of tracks of comparable quality before everything is obsolete.
rFactor2? Doubt it.