I remember an accent related incident that I encountered last summer..
We had this taxi (Fiat Scudo) loaded with crap that we had just cleared out of this house we had near Birmingham. It was slightly too high to fit under the height restriction barrier at the tip, so I got out and asked the guy if he could lift the barrier.
He asked me "Where do you live" he had to say it about 5 times before I could understand him. It was like
Where J'ive
Where dy'ive
Where dyuh'ive
Where do y'live
and finally he had to say WHERE_DO_YOU_LIVE
And by which time I had totally forgotten the address of the house. I felt like such a douchebag
We had this taxi (Fiat Scudo) loaded with crap that we had just cleared out of this house we had near Birmingham. It was slightly too high to fit under the height restriction barrier at the tip, so I got out and asked the guy if he could lift the barrier.
He asked me "Where do you live" he had to say it about 5 times before I could understand him. It was like
Where J'ive
Where dy'ive
Where dyuh'ive
Where do y'live
and finally he had to say WHERE_DO_YOU_LIVE
And by which time I had totally forgotten the address of the house. I felt like such a douchebag