Render by mogster, much appreciated.
This post is being written with mixed feelings. At the same time it's a glorious launch of a new team and - well - a wistful farewell.
Fist Raisin Team was built on the foundation of great Finnish motorsport legacy. Our relentless faith in the deepest essence of raisins was always our strength. We believe raisin is not about being the thid or the scond, only the fist will be remembered. Our heritage has inspired individuals worldwide. Entire corporations, such as our main sponsor Sun Maid, rely on our motto: "When in doubt, go Raisin!"
Building a successful team takes finesse. The team was assembled with utmost urgency and was in action for two weeks. Instead of gathering every possible creature with limbs for controlling a car, we chose to form a compact core group which ended up to be
- P. Lehto - plehto
- A. Tuokko - Profi
- JJ Nylander - Oxygene
We are very humble and down to earth. Still it's worth mentioning that we have been victorious in every single race that we participated and this isn't subject to change. On the track we have been rivaled by many, some unnamed parties have even imitated our team's appearance in order to be as skillful and cunning.
On a sad note, dominance has numbed our senses; winning just isn't the same anymore. Therefore we are forced to withdraw from racing and give others the opportunity to win races once again.
Fist Raisin Team is out but here's a video to relieve the pain of parting.
Video (If you are german, click here)