The online racing simulator
Looking for a race driver fitness guidelines/routine
Hi all! I've recently decided that I need to see about getting in some proper fitness as I'm hoping to race later this year (FF or low level single seater racing). I've never really done any sports properly so I don't really have the faintest clue as how to go about it. I went to my local Gym yesterday for an induction and I plan to go regularly (hopefully, 5 days a week). Since I have a slight problem in my right knee which needs a few months of cycling to strengthen my quadriceps, I won't be doing any running for a while.

I'm not overweight or obese, I'm quite thin (around 75kg) but I just lack a serious amount of strength and general fitness. I'm not looking to buff up as it would hinder me for racing but I don't want to be too weak either or lack stamina. So would anyone here know of any good fitness/strength routines to go by for racing?
^ karting's a bit different since you don't have belts or a form fitting seat. Lots more core work. Since he's planning on jumping straight into single seaters where he'll probably have a cockpit that holds him better than his mother's womb ever could, I'd recommend trying to get ahold of a fighter pilot training manual. Fighter pilot and racing driver fitness are not so different. I've tried quite a few things and the things that seem to work best are low impact, high repetition routines. Yoga is also REALLY good. But I'm from California, and that's just how I am. The best way is still just to drive a lot.

PS, weren't you planning on doing Formula BMW like 2 years ago? What happened to that?
Thanks for the links guys

I'm pretty sure that even if it was just for karting, it would be more than enough since karting is generally rougher so I'd be sure if I was fit for karting, I'd be fit for racing.

The series didn't really seem certain and the organisers seemed to be quite vague.

I'm hoping to see about Irish FF1600 (depending on funding).
Quote from JPeace :did you even click on the link, or just see that the website was karting1? Because the routines on the website are for BOTH karting AND singeseater.

Yes. It is for karting. Karl reinforces that many times. It'll still make you fit, and karting itself is the best way to do that, but it is slightly different demands than single seaters.
A google search would be the best place to start.
Although I am a fat man on a kart ( looks as funny as it sounds), I have found one of the greatest things I could have done was to take boxing lessons.

When I was thinking how I could better my abilities both in karting and anything else I do, I figured a boxer is the most compelte athlete you can find. In one two hour class you hit endurance training, explosive strength training, maximal strength training and a heavy focus on core. I might have still been fat, but I felt so much better in a kart.

Also, a great website with free advice and a fantastic forum is That guy knows his stuff.
(Jordan2007) DELETED by Jordan2007
The best advice you are going to get is from the gym. They should sit you down and discuss exactly what you want. I would say most of your strength/endurance is going to come from actually driving the car. Gym work doesn't exactly work the muscles in the same way driving would.
Don't eat Crap. Take a run every night. Trip down a Gym few hours a week.

Keeps me going
The main issue i will think will be stamina which is good Training on a Tredmill or bike.

since the problem with your knee i would say walking if possible, do a long morning walk in the morning, eat healthy to try keep your weight down as much as you can untill you can run, the lighter you are the faster your car is.