I think like Amp...
- Blackwood Grand Prix - TrackName
- BL1 - ShortTrackName
- 000 - TrackCode
Although these days in InSim.txt it's always given as the abbreviated name and the field is (almost?) always named Track. In LFSWorld it's given as the code and referred to either as Track or TCR (Track, Config, Reversed). In the MPR it's given as 3 separate fields the Track (32 chars), Config (byte) and Reversed (byte), but also as the abbreviated name, where it's referred to as the ShortTrackName. In the SPR it's given as 3 fields again.
I think this just reflects the way the LFS APIs have evolved over time. They have changed from giving the full name to just using the abbreviations, although sometimes keeping the full name for backward compatibility. In terms of LFSWorld, well, Victor is Dutch*, so who knows.
In my own code I just store the abbreviation as a field named Track and work out the full names on the fly when and if I need to.
* Start the Python interpreter and type 'import this' if you don't understand.