The online racing simulator
Open LFS for new tracks..
(64 posts, started )
Open LFS for new tracks..
I want to suggest to the devs that they consider the posibilty for making the game track-able.. I mean.. i really would LOVE to see Nordschleife in LFS.. Or SPA.. etc...
By this, i don't want them to make the game totally open sourced, NO, i hate the idea, for moders to play god, and make their own car "physics".. that's why i stick with LFS.. I really hate all that mod things.. BUT i am all for new tracks! And i think it would be great, for the developers to make that, that users can create their own tracks, but ONLY those who are aproved by the devs, could be used Online, only the best ones..
I mean, i saw the screenshots of Nordschleife that some guys are making for Netkar, and that is unbelievable..!
Don't get me wrong, i LOVE Eric's tracks! But i think that LFS can loose great amount of players, because of other games, like rFactor, Netkar PRO.. because of the custom tracks..
#2 - Mbrio
The devs have indicated they intend to release the editors in the future, but probably only after S3. The new cars and tracks Eric makes are the main reason people buy new licenses. If people could just stick with S1 or S2 and still add more tracks (and cars), there would be no reason (apart from supporting the devs of course) to buy S3.

There is a way to circumvent this though: let people who have already payed for S3 be able to 'unlock' mods. That way the devs can release the editors before S3, but still get the money. So, maybe they'll go with that eventually. Dunno

Don't expect any of that before S2 is really finished though.
if it happens, it happens after S3. those are the guidelines.
on a personal note i hope that doesnt happen ever, and if any modding will be allowed/incentivated, i hope only under some special conditions that maintain quality and incentivate real talented modders. i hope this wont ever turn into racer or f1c. we dont need that. at least i certainly dont.
gtp (n2003) or gtr (isi) quality mods take a lot of time, resources, and commited talented people. if u wanna just fool around , racer is the acdsee of 3d racing sims.
This issue has been beaten to death in so many other threads makes me wish that archive was here already.
when does the lfs archive come here (even if only as read only)?
i hope it doesnt happen for a long long long time. i dont look forward to having an influx of crap tracks :/
Yes, but i was saying that ONLY GOOD tracks could be played online, and there would be a few good ones...But, are u saying that you wouldn't like to drive on Nordschleife..?? But then again, maybe we should wait for S3... i really flipped when i saw that Nordschleife for Netkar.. so excuse me..
I think that we should have all the possible configs (well, the ones that make some kind of sense) from the environments we have now until we start requesting real-life tracks...
But sure, Nordschleife, Spa or some other great RL track would be nice to have in LFS, as long as they are as good quality as Erics tracks. But if they're modded to game, I doubt they could ever be.

this post makes no sense.....
People would just unlock s3 illegally like they do for s1/s2.
I really like the tracks Eric makes and I think it gives the game originality, that other games lack.
#9 - ajp71
1. The DEVs couldn't be seen approving of unlisenced tracks?
2. I think that the Editors should be much like the N2003 Sandbox/GPL gtk setup, but with an alternative possibility of full 3d editing, so you don't get Generally quality tracks thrown together in MS paint but it doesn't limit people to just a few very high quality add-ons, a good site like the GPL track DB makes the best part of 500 odd tracks perfectly managable.
Quote from Chris_Kerry :I really like the tracks Eric makes and I think it gives the game originality, that other games lack.

Quote from Chris_Kerry :I really like the tracks Eric makes and I think it gives the game originality, that other games lack.

I like Eric's tracks, but I don't care about originality when the game is a simulator.
If only LFSW Approved cars and tracks can be used, then only people with S3 licences would be able to get them... Solves the tw*ts who crack it getting ANYTHING fun ourt of it.

I just hope there is some control, because more than 95% of user made mods will be total rubbish.
Quote from tristancliffe :I just hope there is some control, because more than 95% of user made mods will be total rubbish.

What makes you say that?

There are plenty of modelers just as good/better then eric. So why would they be "rubbish"?

Sure, there will be a fair few crap ones, but 95%? ..Dont be silly..
Good ones take time, and bad ones will be rushed out like there is no tomorrow...
I got an idea..
After S3 is release or before.. I will(don't know about the others) pay extra 15, 20 euros for licence of Nordschleife, for ERIC to make it!.. BUT, i don't know how much would such an licence cost, but just imagine, an official LFS Nordschleife! That would be a dream come true.. Imagine the 24hours race, with (hopefully) day/night transitions, rain.. i mean, that would hold me for years, and years..
So the question is, does anyone know aproximately how much would licence cost, and how much would you pay for Nordschleife??
Quote from tristancliffe :Good ones take time, and bad ones will be rushed out like there is no tomorrow...

So dont download the rushed ones, and wait for the good ones instead - Patience.

To say 95% of mods would be crap, is just wrong.

There are a lot of talented people who would love to be able to model stuff for LFS, and would put the same amount of time/effort that eric does into them.
#17 - J.B.
I'm definately a sucker for real tracks. They just give you a very immersive feeling of "being there", especially if you have spent a lot of weekends at racing events in real life.

Having said that, I fully support the devs' way of doing things. In terms of quality and online compatibility it works very well. I hope LFS will never be fully open. Personally I find the whole mod scene to be quite a mess. I'm sure if LFS decide to allow 3rd party tracks in the future, they will have a clever approvement system to keep things nice and tidy. But it probably makes sense to wait for after S3.
Quote from tristancliffe :If only LFSW Approved cars and tracks can be used, then only people with S3 licences would be able to get them... Solves the tw*ts who crack it getting ANYTHING fun ourt of it.

I just hope there is some control, because more than 95% of user made mods will be total rubbish.

I agree with the first part. I don't think there would be such a high "rubbish" factor though. and I think the3 modding should be enough
so that when you go online to play, you can enter a server that's running
a mod and download it there. Kinda like the way skins work now. or like
when you play on a custom map in Unreal Tournament.. it just instantly
starts to d/load.

But to change the physics too? Nah, that would be a total nightmare, or a very small and scattered few mods and no real compatability.
I dunno, maybe have two distinct types of modding and support.
one for tracks and one for cars.

I dunno about "replitracks". As far as tracks goes, Eric's tracks
rules over most* real ones ( *all that I've seen simulated)

And there should be some sort of tutorial for this to keep
half cocked no brainers like myself from churning out disasters.
I really really DON'T WANT LFS to be modable, i mean the physics, adding new cars, etc.. i am only for quality new tracks.. And also, i am would like for the devs to make new cars, from time to time, and charge(don't charge) for them..
Yep, a TE would be very nice indeed
Being able to make my own tracks liek local windy roads would be awesome... but prolly hard..

it would be nice if there was a track which is on a mountain going downhill and up hill with lots of hair pin turns and 25% downgrade hills into winding roads where you can burn your brakes and flat spot your tires if you dont go slow enough..... now that would be fun, please make a mountain course where most max speed would be 50-75mph before you have to slam the brakes into a hairpin...
Would be fun with a competition where the devs/community choose the top three tracks, so the devs can add them to the game and make the correct adjustments to the tracks to.

Or another situation, after S3 is released the devs (or someone else) is in charge of a competition every quartal (I hope that is the right word) where one winner/ one track is choosen to get implemented in the game.
i like myboss's suggestion; having a competition every so often, i think thats the way it should go
Yes, good idea Myboss..
damn i want Nordschleife for christmas.. :wmann3:
what makes you think there would be a nordschleife in lfs?

even in the most modded game ever, F1C, there is no decent nordschleife.

Just another conversion of a conversion of a conversion of the GPL version.

You would just get ALOT mediocre tracks, and maybe 1 or 2 gems.

If they have the quality of eric's tracks, that would be great, but i don't see this happen.

We will see how the rF nordschleife will be. If it's built from scratch, maybe this could change my mind.
GT4 has set the benchmark for the ring, that's the version the modders have to compete with.

And remember, it's already hard enough to find a server without oval, Aston National oder BLGP. Imagine what would happen if there are hundred of tracks around. Not to mention that it's a pain in the ass to search the download links before you can join.

Open LFS for new tracks..
(64 posts, started )