Okay people! Another fantastic update to this tyre-burning, local neighbourhood drift team of yours. A lot has been happening behind the scenes, and just for you guys! I deserve to get paid, dontcha’ think?
Anyway, what do you think about the new site? Cool right?! Yeah, I know. Anyway, I’ve decided to do a bit of updating to several of the site’s features. Firstly, a cooler, easier-to-navigate navigation menu has been introduced and then new easier-to-read font. Also, we have a slightly modified header to freshen things up a bit.
forums have been fixed up too – enhancements to the themes makes sure that the site and forum look seamless together. Not to forget the cool header that is always plastered to the top!
I've been working hard for the few weeks on a new video, as you have maybe seen, and I finally have the end-result. You can view it here on YouTube. I maybe add another link like Vimeo later, but for now YouTube will do. The video is a little introduction of the current team members, and some nice twin and triplet drifting. I hope you enjoy watching it!
Link here for video -
Finally, a bit of a heads-up as to things on the horizon. We’re organizing a competition. Yup, that’s it. Well, not really. We’ll get back to you when we have more info so stay tuned and stay cool!