For your first skin its very good
just a few errors, to help with logo strecthing have a look at
this guide by JazzOn. Also try google images or for some high res logo's.
Other things to watch are were you place the actual logo's so they don't get distorted by various parts of the car, for example the hella logo of the front bumper gets distorted by the small winglets (or whatever they are called

). Have you tried using the
cmx viewer to view the skin as you are working on it? helps you to check how things are lining up, if logos are out of place etc.
The windscreeen visor has some of the stripes from the roof running into it, if you lift the windscreen visor layer above the layer you have put the stripes on it will hide the overlap.
I don't want to sound as though I am ripping your work to bits, just trying to give you a few pointers, like I said for a first skin its a very good start. A hell of a lot better than my first skin