I'm sorry everybody, I'm way too late for doing the promised installers for this amazing work from Lynce, the Revolution Pack June 24th.
This is caused by several personal problems I'm having at the moment. I'll try to explain quickly: with the divorce of my parents, my mother wants to pull my father's leg and find a way to steal his (our) apartment and give him a R$200,000 (about US$114,000) bill because she has broken their contract. If she manages to do that I'll be homeless and I won't have any money even to keep studying. I hate her. She's getting crazy and even started dating her lawyer, who obviously must want to take part into that money. We've contracted several lawyers and we're trying to stop her from doing so legally. This has been a long legal dispute that started some months ago and has taken a lot of my time, specially during the last months.
Anyway, I'm just telling you this because it's not being easy for me cope with all that. I'm having to sign up some documents and go to judges to dispute the transfer of my sister's "parental guard" (I don't really know if that's what it is called in english: "guarda parental" (PT-BR), it's the legal paper that decides who is going to take care of my sister, who is underage (my mother has the current guard). My sister is scared and doesn't want to live with our mother anymore (my mother tried to hurt her some times already, although I always managed to stop her). She's living with me and my father until the dispute ends and the judge decides who's going to take care of her.
Some time ago (I believe more than a month, although I don't really know right now), when I managed to get some time to make the installers, my computer had problems and stopped working for some time. I spent quite a long time trying to fix it and have managed to keep it working (ish), apart from the HDD where I store basically everything I have. I managed to restore some data,
although some things as well a ... one before were corrupted (as seen on previous post).
So... I know I have disappointed many people but I don't have time to do the installers "right now". I will make them as soon as possible. I believe Lynce has explained how to install them and place the files manually pretty well already and I hope it will not be a problem for people to copy the files manually until there is a installer (and I believe everyone's been doing this already).
Again, my sincere apologies for everything.