I also would dislike having to put restrictions on demo - users on LFS. There are couple of reasons why I think that way. I think that primarily, LFS is really one of those only games that allow such a system of Demo (S0 xD) S1, S2, and possibly S3. Given that you have to only pay for the license once, that should remain true for Demo. Demo is a license. Even though you didn't have to pay for it, it should remain fee-free because it was free in the first place.
Secondly, I think that this will add more problems to the people dealing with the game than the people driving. Why? Sure, the dev's will get more income, but they will end up with more registrations. The people who have exceeded the set limitations (whether # Laps or set time limit) will return to get new accounts. Make an IP system people say; how about dynamic IP? How about computers running out of the same network, but different people? VPN? IP blockers? You will end up with a bloated database which will cause more hassle than good. Time better spent on other improvements such as our LFS!
Third, demo is a version, or stage, may it be, of itself. Making it like a trial will destroy its status as a stage in LFS. It is a license, just a restricted license like a learner's permit. Sure, in Canada at least, if you don't get your full driver's in 5 years after getting your learner's, you will have to re-apply again, but that includes the second stage. So in theory, S1s would need to have a time trial
Fourth, demo has its own community. Putting limitations on it would take away a big bulk of the whole LFS community. Leagues, servers will be empty. I will be missing many of the racing buddies in BL1 GTi.
And ofc, there are some people who just can't pay for it. Sure, you earn $100 000 US a year. Ofc you can pay for it. I for one, don't have income. Sure, maybe I am a lazy bum, but do you know my story. Maybe I can't find a job. Maybe my student schedule is way overbooked. And for some people, they don't have the means of paying for LFS. No credit card, no debit card, no visa, mastercard, no paypal, no money - order, and in some cases, no bank account.
I hope this doesn't happen, but if it does come true, I'll be missing a great majority of our population. I mean, "If it ain't broken, don't fix it!" It's great right now, works like a charm. And I think I love LFS so much is because it is unique like this; small number of developpers, the way it is developped (ing) -> the ideals of the developpers, the community!
I for one became S2 after a good 7 months of LFS, and one year after registration, and probably 1000 laps of BL1 Drifting. So, of course, with this and the above, I disagree 99.9% with this idea. The 0.1% is if this helps the developpers put out new physics and Scirocco next Friday, or if... I dunno, someone can get me a new computer that doesn't lag with 16 people on Grid