I am far from a fanboy. I mainly play iRacing. It
is daft because being the "king" of console sims, does not mean it should have the best damage. iRacing is in my opinion the king of racing sims at the moment, but the damage is in some cases frustratingly poor. They haven't perfected handling and physics, no, but then name me a sim that has? The physics and handling have certainly improved, going by the TT demo from a while ago, and that matters more than damage, not that I really see the problem with the damage that they have done.
You're seriously knit-picking at small faults just because people are hyped up by this game? What did you expect? There are loads of GT fans that have been so eagerly anticipating the release. You thought fans of the series were going to just ignore it?
I hope your mates don't race it, that way you won't buy it and will have nothing to complain about!