I still dont have one, but did meet up with a lady from my past by chance at my mates wedding yesterday, we were kinda the ross and rachael of our school in some ways, albeit quite a bit younger (if you didnt watch friends you wont understand that bit but never mind) always kind of on and off as a couple and also best friends, although to be fair this was between the ages of about 8 and 15 so nothing too serious relationship wise really.
We always vowed to stay in contact but inevitably lost touch about 7 or 8 years back when she moved away, but unbeknown to me she moved back to ely about 2 years ago and i never knew, i have had her on FB for a while but just kinda presumed she was still miles away, nearly fell off my feet last night when i walked into that wedding reception to see her stood there, never expected to see her, not in a million years.
She was with her other half, who i had never met before but she she seems a nice woman (she has had relationships with both boys and girls over the years you see) and we all had a good old drink together and it was a brilliant night.
The funniest bit being when she nearly fell over (due to being pissed) and i ended up catching her, and as i did so i whispered into her ear in a kinda jokey way, but tinged with some truth a bit "god i wish you were single, i've missed you" and she then whispered back, "give me your number and i'll give you a call when i am" before giving me the most cheeky grin i have ever seen, which was nice.