I take, and I wish everyone else would take, a huge amount of pride in my written and spoken native language. There is no excuse for not writing well. I'm not a huge believer in dyslexia, as a lot of people say they have it to cover up the fac they can't be bothered, or don't read (I'm not saying dyslexia doesn't exist by the way, it's just sometimes used falsely as an excuse).
I know bin men that are extremely eloquent with their use of language, and I know chartered engineers that really struggle with spelling. In each case they try. But on a daily basis on the internet I see more and more people not using capitals, not using punctuation, and not caring. I think it's not only sad, I think they should be ashamed of themselves.
People in England stick first aid signs on the top of their cars at the first whiff of a kickball contest, but they won't 'support' England by using the language correctly. Patriotism comes in many forms, but 99% of people ONLY use it in reference to a unhealthy kickball team at Europe Cup time. (again, I'm not saying all football supporters are like this).
Faster has been repeated told that his English is appaling. So bad even 'foreigners' are telling him to buck up his ideas. And yet he still posts midles drifel cos he cant b boverd 2 spel proberly. Come on faster, if you have ANY self respect, or any respect for England, sort it out and make people think your IQ is in the double figures at least.
Notwithtstanding the above, typos can strike at any time without warning, and this sentence thus acts as a disclaimer