I think the hardest part of setting up a home studio is monitoring, it's difficult to tell whether what you're hearing is your monitors or the room. And I don't know anybody with a home studio who has done any kind of sensible treatment to their control room - some hang soft furnishings or stick up acoustic foam but that's not going to damp everything equally.
Currently I'm struggling with a drum mix having ended up with rather over-compressed signals from the heads and not enough treble from the cymbals, which is frustrating because I had a pair of room mics about 30ft from the drum set (drums in my dining room, room mics at the opposite end of my kitchen) and the room mics sound really good!
Drummer is so loud though I had to mic everything close or it would've all just bled everywhere.
Currently I'm struggling with a drum mix having ended up with rather over-compressed signals from the heads and not enough treble from the cymbals, which is frustrating because I had a pair of room mics about 30ft from the drum set (drums in my dining room, room mics at the opposite end of my kitchen) and the room mics sound really good!