The online racing simulator
Quote from Silverracer :How about in the .mpr below? Mind the black FXO at the start and again at 2.18 onwards. Obviously geared not to exceed a possible top speed... but the said sort of protection wouldn't detect it, would it?

The current (planned) plug-in would be better than no protection, I agree, on that. But please make provision to detect the sort of acceleration seen here...

so check the acceleration rate aswell as the users speed? that should be easy...
Yes you can also make a list of possible acceleration for each car ( means alot o testing per car if there's no list ) but if you do that the. You also need to think of a car hitting a barrier and going from like 50 to like 170 in less the. A second
ye, exactly why i would need help :P

I have implanted cheat protection(like the way LTC does) when a user speed hacks it won't give them any money ... if you look at the vid the guy who hacked on my server got money for not driving ... that is what it stops, still would be nice to not have a system that will ban them for speed hacking though
iPhone won't play that video format in a million years
Quote from tbofram :iPhone won't play that video format in a million years

i take it your on Iphone? ;P
Currently yes my laptop desided it would prefer not to have any battery power so I plugged it in to give it some juice from the mains. I will look at that replay in the morning
Just as I was About to shut my phone down I thought of a idea to add. Because of other hacks like 4wd hack/cruise control ( same thing) basically all I does it keep your current speed when you press c but it spins all 4 wheels at this speed. Some people use this as a crashing hack as it makes the car powerful and drives when in "N" so mybee something that sees the gear and if in natural but power still goes to wheels then give a warning followed by a ban
Quote from Silverracer :The current (planned) plug-in would be better than no protection, I agree, on that. But please make provision to detect the sort of acceleration seen here...

That's really hard to do. Simply getting punted on track would trip the ban filter as you go from 0mph to 120mph in no seconds flat.

Quote from tbofram :Some people use this as a crashing hack as it makes the car powerful and drives when in "N" so mybee something that sees the gear and if in natural but power still goes to wheels then give a warning followed by a ban

You can only see the gear the current user is in with OutGuage.
cool well even if we cant fine tune it i think this would make a great add on and help servers with cheaters and speed hackers
Quote from Dygear :That's really hard to do. Simply getting punted on track would trip the ban filter as you go from 0mph to 120mph in no seconds flat.

Too bad... how about if there was an alert instead of an outright ban? Something like host message saying "Dygear exceeded possible acceleration in a FXO". Or maybe something basic like in Lapper message (also in Airio?) "Dygear accelerated X mph to Y mph in Z seconds".

At least that'll notify other drivers/admins in server or whilst checking the .mpr that there is something unusual going on...
Simplest solution: Spectate them instead of banning. Yes, it will make the races too safe maybe, but it would either way (only difference - first way will ban people, leaving noone in your server in the end, and the other will just spectate them). By spectating them, you will eventually get the hackers and crashers bored. A few racers too maybe. But it's better getting a few racers bored, than a few racers banned. IMO at least.

You can not perfect such an application/plugin/w.e it's going to be, because of the many factors, that can trick it in LFS.
Well, if a car collides with another car or a trackside object, shouldn't that trigger a yellow flag? You could check acceleration limits only if there is no yellow flag warning. It will most likely no be 100%, but I think we're talking compromises all along and this one sounds like an idea worth exploring to me...
I do like the idea of just spectating someone because then if they just have a crash then it's ok. Mybee do it so it specs you once or twice then a kick followed by a 5 day ban or something
Quote from misiek08 :Set autosave MPR to 1. It's an option in setup.cfg

Be careful if you want to do that. I hosted a demo drag server for about a week, and when I checked the replay folder, I had over 2GB worth of replays.
It is hosted by 500servers so they only save the last 200 mb of rwplays
Quote from MadCatX :Well, if a car collides with another car or a trackside object, shouldn't that trigger a yellow flag? You could check acceleration limits only if there is no yellow flag warning. It will most likely no be 100%, but I think we're talking compromises all along and this one sounds like an idea worth exploring to me...

I was doing this in a Lapper module and it seemed to work quite well, although if the barrier is on the road (like on the S0* tracks) then the car never officially leaves the track, hence no Yellow. I think you would need a mix of factors like:
1) If the user is in a Yellow condition, then it is most likely a crash
2) Has the user passed anyone while going > maxspeed while not under yellow?
3) Maybe have a > maxaccel value (by testing cars on the drag strip)
4) Register users on the server as trusted, much like the Member Admin module I use on Lapper
#42 - e6o1
hmm ok the idea sounds godd, but what happens if a faster car hit a slower car.... ???
Quote from e6o1 :hmm ok the idea sounds godd, but what happens if a faster car hit a slower car.... ???

I was thinking about that the other day with the new collision packet. The only solution I could think of to find out who is at fault is to find the average speed in any given part of the track and then find when one player hit the other who was more at fault by finding out who as a greater delta to the average speed for that section of the track.
You could always add some sort of incremental counter which increments on each subspicious situation and the ban/kick/spec action is only performed, oncethe counter reaches a specific threshold.

Like an email spam filter which scores the email based on different aspects and only filters when the score is above a specified value.
There's another option as well, which would compliment a bayesian-style points/training system, and that's one of waiting until the end of a race, then looking at each lap time.

You then compare each racer's average lap time against the average for all racers, across the entire race. If we suspect them of cheating by being an order of magnitude faster than the average you could drop in a sanity check, by looking at their LFSW stats.

A racer with lots of races under the belt, and consistently fast times across all tracks, are less likely to cheat than newer players with fewer races. It also gives you a benchmark as to their prior performance.

It's a bit simplistic and it allows the cheaters to potentially cheat throughout the race, however at the end they could/will be banned for life/x days/whatever. You/we/I could probably do a nice mathematical model on it, based on how much you expect a racer to beat another racer, store that info, and so on. However I'm afraid that's a bit beyond my 'saturday brain', this morning.

The only large issue is the long standing problem of the subtle cheater, but tbh I'm not sure if a subtle cheater is someone you're ever going to be able to reliably catch.

Or the other option is that the server becomes more authoritive over the max acceleration, governs collisions, etc.
If some one is 7% faster then themselfs on one lap I think there is something going on with that client, unless they start to maintain that pace. But that must not be more then 2% faster then the WR time for that track.