Well, what I would really like is:
- have action=fuel combined with action=pb, thus having both datasets with a single query
- have action=pb altered in a way, that outdated PBs are returned with their actual times instead of giving all zeros (perhaps have an "outdated flag" somewhere) as it can be seen on lfsworld
A real kickass-feature (though I doubt it would be implemented, but one should be allowed to dream) would be:
give pubstat an array of racers and fetch, whether they have done any laps (maybe even on a particular set of car/track combos) within a set threshold,
thus enabling one to update his/her database only, when it is neccessary.
(This would for example avoid me to fetch the hostlist every 2 minutes just to see, if any of the racers might need an update.)
Or (even more dreaming): Have only PB-data (PB and laps) of a racer gained up to a specific date (Though I'm quite sure, this won't be possible as it requires to store a racers pb-history (which would actually be veeeeeeeery cool))
... well ideally I'd take a combination of all of that ... as to be realistic, I think the first two could be worth a try anyway
thanks in advance ...