The online racing simulator
Quote from Scawen :Not really because it's normally for copying from a website.

One problem I have with it when getting one from a website is it seems to add [1] before the extension.

For example if I say to Windows "Yes I want to open the file setup.set from its current location". Then LFS will save it as "setup[1].set". It's not an LFS bug, it happens with other things like text files and notepad. Does anyone else get that problem?

oh right i see. I just have to open rather than save them
Quote from Scawen :Not really because it's normally for copying from a website.

One problem I have with it when getting one from a website is it seems to add [1] before the extension.

For example if I say to Windows "Yes I want to open the file setup.set from its current location". Then LFS will save it as "setup[1].set". It's not an LFS bug, it happens with other things like text files and notepad. Does anyone else get that problem?

AFAIK, Windows only does that when it senses that there is a duplicate file. Perhaps sometimes there temporarily is... I think when you save a file out of IE it saves to the cache first and then moves it, which would explain it...
Quote from thisnameistaken :I've noticed IE always does that when saving stuff from the web, but Firefox doesn't - maybe find out what FF is doing? I always thought it was something to do with the way IE's cache works.

Yep, that's my understanding. Opening from the web is really "Download to cache.. Open from cache". The [1] allows for multiple "existences" of the same file in cache. It might be possible to force this to NOT happen at the web server end. If I can nab one of our coders, we'll give this a spin tonight/tomorrow AM. It's not really my FOE, but I know a bloke..
(nesrulz) DELETED by nesrulz
To be honest, I do feel kind of lame making a request in a thread like this one, but here goes: Scawen, would you please make it possible to /pitlane the AI's?
Quote from Scawen :One problem I have with it when getting one from a website is it seems to add [1] before the extension.

For example if I say to Windows "Yes I want to open the file setup.set from its current location". Then LFS will save it as "setup[1].set". It's not an LFS bug, it happens with other things like text files and notepad. Does anyone else get that problem?


Setup not exist in data/settings

Setup is already exist in data/settings




Quote from felplacerad :To be honest, I do feel kind of lame making a request in a thread like this one, but here goes: Scawen, would you please make it possible to /pitlane the AI's?

No because that would be incompatible. AI drivers are a major project waiting to be done quite soon, but not in this batch of compatible patches.
Just wondering - is it possible to add the much requested setup manager and fix some of the confusing options (mainly in the graphics screen) in a compatible patch and would it be something time consuming to code?
Quote from Scawen :AI drivers are a major project waiting to be done quite soon

good to hear
Axus : Not really. This isn't intended as the time to code furiously to catch up with all possible suggestions and feature requests. It was really just to fix the Vista problem and a crash bug, and add a few compatible updates while I was at it, to get a few things off my list so my head is clearer for some of the more meaty things that need to be done.
Quote from Scawen :Axus : Not really. This isn't intended as the time to code furiously to catch up with all possible suggestions and feature requests. It was really just to fix the Vista problem and a crash bug, and add a few compatible updates while I was at it, to get a few things off my list so my head is clearer for some of the more meaty things that need to be done.

Thanks for the reply Looking forward to the "meaty things"
Scawen, one little suggestion that has been on my mind long time already. In race setup screen, Enter key is unused... So here's suggestion: until you not in grid, Enter could function as "Join", and if already in grid, then it could toggle "Ready".

I'm keyboard fan, so the less mouse rally the better...
Quote from Scawen :
How to set up the file associations (Windows XP example) :

> Right click an SPR file
> Select "Properties"
> Click the "Change..." button beside "Opens with:"
> Browse for and select LFS.exe in your main LFS folder
> Do the same again with an MPR file [ EDIT : and a SET file ]

Then you can run any replay just by double clicking it.

or use my LFS:FileAssociator!
#138 - KTy
Quote from KTy :Great

Is next step the custom control settings for each car or even for each setup ? (clutch, auto-clutch, gear stick, gear behind the wheels,...etc)

No comments on this request ?
I really need this in order to switch much faster from GTI to Formula 1...
As we are talking about keys, why does "Shift + S" no longer work when in Spectator mode? Im always pressing it and realizing that I gotta press ESC and then Pits.
Did it work before.
Shift + S in spectate got lost when S2 came I think... Time to put it back perhaps?
Quote from Lible :Did it work before.

I don't think so...
(nesrulz) DELETED by nesrulz
Quote from ORION :As we are talking about keys, why does "Shift + S" no longer work when in Spectator mode? Im always pressing it and realizing that I gotta press ESC and then Pits.

Quote from Lible :Did it work before.

No, but it would have been nice.
uhm, it worked before s2 for sure, dont know when exactly it stopped working. why else should orion ask that question if it never worked?? illepall

would like to have it back too though.
ive noticed sometimes other skins dont load up as soon as they leave the pits.. sometimes it takes a few mins or after they pit a few times for the skin to load.. i noticed this when patche S and later came out..
SHIFT+S never worked from the autocross editor (aka SHIFT+U mode) - it's a completely different sub-process, not just a view.

Skins only don't load if they are not already in memory and you are still driving. If you stop, their skins will be reloaded. This is to avoid you experiencing a lag and crashing your car while their skin loads.
We meant Shift+S while *spectating*.
OK, I see. I'm looking into it.

EDIT : Done.
Quote from hackerx :We meant Shift+S while *spectating*.

Yes that has been bugging me too! Im sure it used to work before as I always still try to do it :doh:

Obviously it doesn't work if you haven't got the right car for the track selected. Which brings another thought. If you join a server using different cars and you are spectating, when you want to join could you make it default to one of the allowed vehicles? Especially if it is a single car server!
I have not tested the last patch, so I don't know if this has been done:

-Do we have a "different" icon for associated LFS files?. I don't think LFS.exe icon is the best one to use, maybe a lighter one or a different one with a sheet of paper behind or something.

If this is actually in the patch, I better shut up :hyper:

EDIT: typo :$
This thread is closed