Hello LFS'rs,
This thread is for the new B patch that has been introduced to the Live For Speed community. A few of us have teamed together in order to provide an "official" pack of new configurations. This will hopefully be beneficial to InSim programmers, league organizers, and drivers. These layouts have track codes (KY31, FE12, etc) already created for them, however we would like help from you, the community, in order to give some of these configurations official names.
A11 A11 AS1xy Central / R YES
A12 A12 AS1xy Chicane Route / R YES
A13 N/A AS1x Banana Track / R YES
A14 A14 AS1y South / R (AS1y only) YES
A15 A18 AS1xy (A18) / R NO
A71 A13 AS7xy Grand North / R YES
A72 A15 AS7xy Touring Car Circuit / R NO
A73 A16 AS7xy Touring Car Circuit Extended / R NO
A74 A17 AS7xy Touring Car Circuit Short / R NO
A75 A19 AS7xy (A19, A18 + North) / R NO
A76 N/A AS7x Banana Track Extended / R NO
A21 A22 AS2xy Sprint 2 / R YES
A22 A24 AS2xy Cup / R YES
A23 A25 AS2xy Classic Boot / R YES
A31 A21 AS3xy Sprint 1 / R YES
A32 A23 AS3xy Classic / R YES
A33 A26 AS3xy Modified / R YES
A41 A28 AS4xy Sportscar Circuit / R NO
A61 A27 AS6xy International GT / R NO
A62 A29 AS6xy International / R NO
B11 B11 BL1xy Historic / R YES
B21 B24 BL2x Sprint Alternative / R (BL2x only) YES
B22 B21 BL2xy Rallycross East / R NO
B23 B22 BL2xy Rallycross West / R NO
B24 B23 BL2x Sprint / R (BL2x only) NO
F11 F11 FE1xy Cadet / R YES
F21 F22 FE2xy Silver / R YES
F22 N/A FE2xy Silver Alternative YES
F23 F23 FE2xy Green Alternative YES
F24 F24 FE2x Mini Oval (FE2x only) YES
F25 F25 FE2xy Classic YES
F31 N/A FE3xy Island / R YES
F32 F12 FE3xy National / R YES
F33 N/A FE3xy National Island / R YES
F41 F13 FE4xy Black Alternative NO
F42 F14 FE4xy Historic NO
F51 F21 FE5xy RallyCross Long YES
F52 N/A FE5xy RallyCross Alternative YES
K21 N/A KY2xy North / R YES
K31 N/A KY3xy International / R YES
K32 N/A KY3xy Grand Touring / R YES
K33 N/A KY3xy International GT Long / R YES
K34 N/A KY3xy International GT Long+Boothy Chicane/R NO
S11 N/A SO1y Sprint 1 Full NO
S12 N/A SO1x Sprint 2 Full NO
How to Install and load open configuration layouts:
- Download and place the layouts in your LFS/data/layout folder.
- Open LFS, and on the track selection screen, hold "CTRL".
- Then select the X or Y direction for each track.
Layouts by: PMD9409, boothy
Images edited by: boothy, pik_d, nikosk31, and Feuerdrache.
Old Full Track Map download here.
New Full Track Map download.
Massive thanks to EQ Worry on his help with converting these layouts into his famous Airio.
UPDATE: February 16th 2012
- Updated the images to all the layouts (currently in the pack) to fix the confusion.
UPDATE: August 8th 2011
Discussion here.
- K33 is now without the boothy chicane.
- K34 is now with the boothy chicane.
- F32 had a split update.
- 8 more tracks added to Airio, thanks EQ Worry!
Updated Zip attached.
UPDATE: August 2nd 2011
Updated all layouts with correct names. Also added layouts suggested by the community for Aston and Fern Bay.
Updated pack: here
UPDATE: June 30th 2011
Updated layouts to BL, KY, A11-A13, A21-23, F11, and F25 with new layout object additions such as curbs and brake markers.
Updated pack here.
UPDATE: April 28th 2011
"Race ready" pack has been updated with a few more layouts. It also now includes names for all layouts.
UPDATE: April 23rd 2011
If you want basic layouts, download each layout individually, as those are just outlines of each track.
I attached a "race-ready" pack. This contains all configurations, both forward and reverse, with checkpoints, finish lines, and objects to show each path. Enjoy!
Hopefully we can get this made into a sticky.