The online racing simulator
Team Rock Racing = No more 2002-2011
(79 posts, closed, started )
From now on 28-4-2011, we do NO LONGER require our members to pay a membership fee. You are welcome for free to Team Rock Racing.

We also open recruitments, to get more members.

However the fact that we no longer ask a membership fee, this does mean that we get more strict on our membership rules.

We require you to be very active in Live for Speed, and try not to miss our private championship's races.

If you would like to join Team Rock Racing, talk with us about it via e-mail or Skype.

E-mail: [email protected]
Skype: rock_team_boss
I wanna join.
Great thing Rocky!

Now you need only be more careful with members
Yep, someone has got to beat the pensioner
Quote from rockclan :Update:

, this does mean that we get more strict on our membership rules.

We require you to be very active in Live for Speed, and try not to miss our private championship's races.


E-mail: [email protected]
Skype: rock_team_boss

Don't make me laugh................................
Quote from rockclan :Dear Dave,

You are more then welcome to our team, however I sadly can not replace the dates of the championship. However, the dates are already moved up a week because for the rest of March there is no race.

Maybe it's now possible for you to attend?

Looking forward to read your response.

Kind Regards,
Team Rock Racing

................And yesterdays race was?

an error? :P
aww spoil sport
Quote from rockclan :Yea it's hard when you can not troll for once aye?

Yep. Hate you now. Ruin another one of my troll attempts and i'll lick you.
-TRR- Kart Championship 2011 Round #1 Report
Dear LFS'ers,

Today was the first round of our karting championship. The venue was Indoor Karting De Vest in Valkenswaard, The Netherlands.

We did a Mini Grand Prix existing out of a Qualifying, Race and 20 Lap Final Race.

We met up around 14:00 GMT+2 at the track, went for a drink, and prepared for the race.

We went into the karts for the Qualifying. I was driving the #10 kart, Christel van Essen the #7 and Ton Arends the #3. I started in front of the rest, and already in Lap #2 I got overtaken by Christel. I followed her closely untill the end of the lap where I smacked into the wall, but could continue. In Lap #3 whilst coming down the hill, I got overtaken by Ton.

The race went on without any overtaking and trouble. They put the seatbelt on, and I went on. In Lap #10 Ton puts his fastest lap time of 30.62. In Lap #11 for me I received a Black Flag, I wondered why and came in. It seemed that I was not wearing my seatbelt. Shortly after I set my fastest lap time of 32.98, which was quite slower. In Lap #14 Christel set her fastest lap time of 29.01, which is the weeks fastest lap time, and 10th of the month.

The qualifying continued up to 20 laps for Christel, 19 laps for Ton and 16 laps for me.

Qualifying Results:
1. Chasey/Christel van Essen - 29.01
2. Sm1ley/Ton Arends - 30.62
3. Rocky7up/Walter Lemmens - 32.98

Then we took a small break, and afterwards prepared for the race. This time we had Christel starting as first with the #3, Ton second with #6, and me third with the #7.

As we went out of the pits Ton almost spun whilst going into the first corner. It where fresh tires and they lacked grip. When I entered the first corner I was about 70 degrees sideways and kept full throttle and counter steered. Soon I felt much heat on the right side of my body. It seemed that the seatbelt had hung over the engine, and was red hot. It burned a hole in my t-shirt and burned my skin. However I kept on going. In Lap #6 I was shortly faster then Ton with a 30.94, which was directly my fastest lap of the race. This was also 2 seconds faster then my previous run. Sadly in Lap #7 Ton had already put a 30.80, and I dropped back to third.

The race went on without any trouble untill Lap #11 where we see a huge accident. Something of the brakes of Christel snapped and she went frontally into the wall at high speed. After being pushed back to the pits, and with a quick repair, she returned her way on the track. However, she was suffering headache and drove slowly for a few laps, just to set a 29.00 a lap later.

In Lap #13 we see that Ton receives a Black Flag and is asked to enter the pits. It seemed that something broke off the kart and fell on the track. After a quick check they saw nothing serious was wrong, they let him return is way on track. In Lap #15 he would set his fastest lap of 30.70.

Myself then made a total of 18 laps whilst Ton made 16, and Christel 15.

Race Results:
1. Christel van Essen - 29.00
2. Ton Arends - 30.70
3. Walter Lemmens - 30.94

Then we took quite a long break, and I went to puff some smoke as Ton and Christel drank a cola. Then we prepared for the final race. Here it went for the awards. This time the fastest lap time did not count, but the fastest average lap time.

We where put on the starting grid and waited for the race to start. This time I was driving the horrible slow kart #12, Ton had the kart #7 and Christel kart #6.

Whilst the official was counting down from 3 to 1, the race went underway. Ton had a fantastic start and was already side-by-side with Christel in the first corner. Whilst my kart was horribly slow and barely managed to climb the hill.

Shortly after we see Christel receiving a Blue Flag, but she did not see this, as Ton tried to overtake, got blocked, and crashed whilst going downhill. He was stuck with the front of the kart to the wall, and I was showed the Yellow Flag, and was told to wait. Then when I was allowed to move on again my kart was slow in getting up to speed again.

In Lap #6 we see Christel set her fastest lap time of 29.19 and me a slow 32.13. As the race went on, nothing really special happened apart from a slight scratch to the wall whilst going downhill for me.

In Lap #13 Ton put his fastest lap of 29.38, a personal best for him.

The race went on, and when the leaders came into Lap #19 the timing computer has an error, and didn't work for 2 laps. As we where supposed to do 20 laps, we did 22 laps instead with lap 20 and 21 not being timed.

As we finished it was quiet clear that Christel had won, she did an outstanding job this weekend, and was never in any threat of being beaten.

Final Race Results:
1. Christel van Essen - Avg. 29.77
2. Ton Arends - Avg. 30.70
3. Walter Lemmens - Avg. 34.25

The drivers where taken to the podium and received their small trophies.

After another drink, the drivers went home. Christel having a slight concussion, and myself having some burned skin, and a broken t-shirt. Ton however not having any problems what so ever.

This was a extra long report of the first round of the -TRR- Kart Championship 2011, we thank you for reading.

Kind Regards,
Team Rock Racing
Nice read
Quote from rockclan :Dear LFS'ers,

Valkenswaard, The Netherlands.

Pixelated hell!

Why don't you drop me a PM rockclan? I'm slightly interested. / skype
If Christel ignored the blue flag, it was her that caused Ton to crash - Therfore Christel should have been disqualified and Ton should have won.
Spaaki - Bojan Bradara
Super77 - Lyubo Georgiev
Washandje - Vincent de Wit

Have rejoined Team Rock Racing!

Duncan - Duncan van Dijk
BobTheBike - Bob Shutton
R500 - Damyan Obreykov
Ghowden - Graham Howden
Tesnaukki - Teemu Toikka
Joni - Joni Salomäki

Have joined Team Rock Racing!

After the training of today, we can announce what is standing above here. Some where already in for some weeks, but we wanted to wait with announcing.

Further more a couple of races in the -TRR- Private Championship have passed... At the moment, the standings look like this:

1st: Walter Lemmens - 211 points
2nd: Christel van Essen - 162 points
3rd: Rik Kardol - 138 points
4th: Dave Taylor - 124 points
5th: Robin Lowik - 111 points

Yesterday evening Walter Lemmens / Rocky7up and our new member Joni Salomäki attended to the FragMaster FOX Friday event at Kyoto Ring GP Long.

It started at 21:35 with the qualification. There where 42 people attending to the qualification, and only 32 could actually race. Every driver got a clear 1 hotlap run. Joni was second to start, and Walter third. In the last chicane Joni trew away his laptime by spinning. Walter however managed to set an average laptime, not quiet close to his personal best. He set a 2:18.97. At that moment the second fastest time.

Minutes passed as a lot of people set their laptime. Some did not succesfully finish their lap and spun or crashed out. At the end Walter had dropped back to 28th. Not quite safe, as some drivers got a second chance. Luckily for Walter however, he ended 30th overall in the qualification results. Joni, on his second attempt, managed to set 28th.

After a short 5 minute break, the race went underway. In the first corner we see everyone smoothly and easy going through it, which gave Walter the oppertunity to take 28th position. Later on in the first lap we see some cars collide and spin. Walter took the bet, and went full throttle on the farest left side, and managed to be the lucky jumper and move up to 18th! Meanwhile Joni had crashed slighty and rejoined in 30th.

On lap 3 Joni has a very big crash on his own, and is forced to take a pitstop to fix his car, and drops back to 31st. On lap 5 we see that Walter has dropped back some pace and has left some faster people trough, he now is in 23rd position. On the oval part he lets Hydyne trough and drops back to 24th, however Hydyne directly tried to challenge another driver in the chicane, which caused him to have a wild spin in the middle of the racing line. Walter had no where to go, and slammed into him, causing him to spin off in the grass, and just not hitting other competitors. Now he has dropped back to 29th.

Walter just keeps on driving and gets into a nice fight with Majod. This fight will take on for about 10 laps, and we are now on lap 16. After some drivers crashed out, Walter is now in 26th. Now Walter is quite far ahead of Majod, and makes a pitstop. In the meanwhile we have seen Joni crashing out of the race. On lap 18 Walter is getting lapped by some of the leaders, the same happens in lap 19. From lap 20 Walter is basicly fighting Majod again. He is the closest behind for long, and the distance keeps getting smaller, biggest and smaller. On lap 24 Walter is 22nd and has a gap of 19.xx seconds to Majod. On lap 25 Walter has quite a moment coming out of the oval section... On the chicane he almost loses control, yet manages to keep it going.

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On lap 27 Walter has a quick spin going through the first sector. He quickly rejoined but couldn't help the fact that Majod now closed in to 7 seconds... However, Walter goes pedal to the metal and already pushed the gap to 9 seconds in the next sector. On lap 28 Walter is getting lapped by alot of people. Whilst coming out of the oval section, he has to take a wide line to let someone through... However, he goes to wide, touches the grass, gets a big slide, overcorrects and crashes really hard into the wall. This gives Majod to oppertunity to go past Walter.

Now Walter makes a long pitstop to fix damage and change tyres. On lap 31 Walter is in 19th position. After this he keeps getting really tired, it's getting late. With just one more small mistake by Walter, and a lot by others. It's the last lap for Walter, and the leaders have just finished, [CRO] Number is standing in the first sector without fuel. Walter is the hero of the day, by pushing Number all the way till over the finish. Walter crosses the finish line in 15th on lap 37 (40 for leaders.)

After a long day, we got a first positive finish for Team Rock Racing in a public event. Walter started 30th and finished 15th! Even though other people did not finish, he did, he was consistant, and even broke his personal best during the race.

We want to thank you for reading this race report for Walter Lemmens and Joni Salomäki.

Kind Regards,
Team Rock Racing
-TRR- Championship Round #13 Coming up!
Dear LFS Forum Users,

The -TRR- Championship 2011, has been under-way for 12 races now. Today is the 13th round of the series, and the standings look like this:

1st: Walter Lemmens - 233 Points
2nd: Christel van Essen - 192 Points
3rd: Rik Kardol - 138 Points
4th: Dave Taylor - 124 Points
5th: Robin Lowik - 111 Points
6th: Bojan Bradara - 87 Points
7th: Nicholas Wrage - 83 Points (Outsider)
8th: Thorsten Ulrich - 82 Points (Outsider)
9th: Alex Dörfler - 29 Points (Outsider)
10th: Jarl Teien - 29 Points (Outsider)
11th: Duncan van Dijk - 27 Points
12th: Elon Berishe - 24 Points (Outsider)
13th: Ton Arends - 18 Points
14th: Lyubo Georgiev - 14 Points
15th: Damyan Obreykov - 13 Points
16th: Garol Grube - 10 Points
17th: Matias Lauriti - 10 Points
18th: Mickel Baggen - 9 Points
19th: Graham Howden - 8 Points

Be informed that the top 6 will receive awards (real-life). And that you can win a maximum of 29 points per event. Outsiders are welcome to join our race, a requirement is that you follow the RULES, and don't cause chaos.

Today's race goes over SO6 with the FOX, with 39 laps.

To be able to sign up, send an e-mail to:
[email protected]
With the following info:

First name:
Last name

Kind Regards,
Team Rock Racing
-TRR- News

Yesterday Inouva has joined Team Rock Racing! We are proud on our second female member.

She is known for fast driving with the LX4 on and from hanging on the LFS Forum. Also, she is a very friendly person, and we are looking forward to see her dominate the -TRR- class in our championship.

In other news:
Washandje / Vinnylegends
Has been promoted to Junior Trainer of Team Rock Racing. Together with Walter and Thorsten Ulrich (from 6th Gear Racing), they will be training young protégés.

We are aiming to attract new S2 players to our team, and train them to go further in a better team on Live for Speed.

For so far the news of 19-07-2011.

Kind Regards,
Team Rock Racing
spam posts removed
lol keep it going Walter!!!
Dear Readers,

A few weeks ago we had the big -TRR- Championship 2011 event, the CM Storm 250... This was a public event for the championship. 25 people signed up, yet only 9 qualified. 8 people started the race, and they all finished. In the beginning laps we saw a battle for the lead between Walter Lemmens, and Ori Atana.

After some laps Antti Terho mixed himself into the battle, and we soon saw a huge crash between him and Lemmens. This caused Terho to have serious damage, and Lemmens to roll and fix damage. Sadly however, when Lemmens entered the pits, he forgot to put on damage repair, so he had to drive another lap to fix his car. Causing him to drop back to last position on laps behind the rest.

After this it was quite boring lap after lap for a long while, and sometimes we saw Antti pull a fast lap thanks to damper damage. However he got called into the pits by the race directors cause of his damage causing him to speed up through the last corner. When going in for fixes, he sadly speeded through the pitlane, and got a drive-through penalty. However he ignored to take this within 3 laps (following the event rules). So he got disqualified at the end of the race.

Then Anthony Pllu was catching up to Ori, and it became a fight on lap times, as Anthony was on a lap. Some more crashes and spins by Gooderham, and Provost, but nothing serious. In the meanwhile Lemmens fought back to 5th position, and in contention for awards! Everyone had made a pitstop by now, except for Ori, but even when he made it, he still had a fair lead over Pllu.

The race finished, with the following order:

1st Ori Atana #00 - 1:06:17.06
2nd Anthony Pllu #69 - +0:35.23
3rd Timo Heinonen #75 - +1 Lap
4th John Gooderham #74 - +1 Lap
5th Walter Lemmens #07 - +2 Laps
6th Jonathon Provost #97 - +3 Laps
7th Oscar Arslan #87 - +3 Laps
- Antti Terho #83 - DQ

Congrats to the award winners!

Kind Regards,
Team Rock Racing
Walter Lemmens
This thread is closed

Team Rock Racing = No more 2002-2011
(79 posts, closed, started )